
January 25, 2007

Extremes here's the deal.  The last few days I have been so busy with things, yet my brain has been starved for some type of stimulation.  Adult stimulation...and no I don't mean porn ( I consider porn to be more of a physical stimulation than a mental one).  What do I mean then?  Some days it feels like the only person I talk to that's an adult is my self...yes I have found myself talking to myself quite often.  I am starting to feel as though I am losing more brain cells by staying home than I did the entire 7 years of college.  I read the news, and I watch the news, but I don't feel intellectually stimulated.  I think it is quite sad.  Today I rejoiced in the fact I got to play mr potato head.  Bad things happen when an intellectually starved individual plays withpotato head.  I made a really disturbing creature which then I proceeded to show Isabel...and she started screaming. 
I don't know what kind of a funk I am in, but it sucks.  A friend of mine blogged the other day about being "successful in the world"  I remember once I was in the job scene...getting fancy coffee on my way to the daily grind...yet I felt something was missing.  Now I have a husband and kids whom I dearly love...yet there is still something missing.   To my friend may think you aren't living to your full potential by being a working woman...but I have now been both extremes...and I can say the this end doesn't feel quite right either.
January 22, 2007

Another blog another day

Its been a while since I've caught the blogging bug.  So I thought I'd pick a stange subject and write about it.  Funny thing is I couldn't think of anything to blog about.  Sad.  So here I am blogging about not being able to blog. Then suddenly the little light bulb goes off in my brain...vacuum.
Vacuum you may ask...why blog about the vacuum...well because it is currently running ( and no for you smart asses I am not going to go "catch" it) Why is it running?  Well my dearest Iz will not sleep in her crib without it running.  So she currently sleeps in the swing (still) but b/c I was folding clothes in the bedroom I needed to lay her in her crib, so the vacuum is on.  In case you are wondering...that 2 inch by 6 inch piece of carpet has no dirt left.  So I am patiently waiting for a CD...what of a Vacuum sound.  It should be here next week.  Interestingly enough they not only had vacuum, but they also had hair dryer, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, fan, radio static, among others.  I almost got the 4 pack which has the vacuum/hair dryer/washing machine/dryer for some variety, but I decided to just get one for now.  I wonder why they don't have a lawn mover sound....that is kinda along the same sound...oh well...
January 17, 2007

Sugar High

Ok...Today Andrew turned 2.  That right 2 years have flown by faster than I can imagine.  Here is a picture of him when he was newborn :

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And from 1 year ago :

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And one from this morning:

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January 12, 2007

Don't forget

I didn't are some from New Years eve of the kiddos....

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Christmas in Januray

Ok so I have never gotten around to posting pictures from christmas here they are.....

Isabel in her bumbo in front of the tree....

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Isabel in the Santa Hat
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Andrew christmas morning
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Both kids in the mound of paper
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Isabel and Andrew in their new wagon from Santa
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Finally a pic of us together...I look like crap...but oh well doesn't everyone first thing in the morning?
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January 9, 2007

Ha ha ha

So Mike and I are in bed this morning...and I hear Andrew waking up...since Mike is still asleep I think this must be around I ask Mike what time is it...He replies "7:30"...and I ask..."are you not going to work today"...and he replies "It's Saturday"...and I start laughing and tell him...uhm nope its  if you were wondering where Mike was...he overslept!...shhhh don't tell
January 8, 2007

The whore my husband once dated

Ok I gotcha with that Mike and I were looking aound on myspace one night and he found this girl he dated before me.   White Trash would be a step up for this I now have this tracking thing on my page and I have noticed she has been checking out my page weekly...I am not even sure she knows who I am, but I find it odd.  Anyway I have the right to call her a whore b/c apparently the whole time she was with my husband she told him she wasn't married but actually was...and not oly was she cheating on my husband but was cheating on him with other men and would actually have Mike babysit her kids so she could go out with "friends".   So am sure since my profile is public and my blog is to friends only this title alone will drive her that's right the pot stirrer in me is raising her head...

Just about right

Ok so the past few weeks Mike has had off from work...governement and their long holidays...anyway you would think with 2 adults in the house I would have more time to post things...right?!? NOPE I dearly love my husband, but he completely ruins my daily routine.  So over the holidays I had LOTS to blog about, I never could make it to the computer for more than a minute or two before he's "please bring me a diaper"  "can you hand me a burp cloth" etc...ANYWAY  I promise this week I am going to get everyone all caught up from the holidays (and post some pics of the kid's at christmas)