
March 16, 2007

Beware of infant finger nails

So Izabels fingernails were getting a bit last night as she was nursing (yes she is still nursing...I never thought I'd make it 7 months!)  I decided to clip her nails...I got the first side done without incident so I switched boobys and proceeded to cut the second hand....I got to the next to last nail and a nail flew into my eye!

so I rubbed my eye...Big mistake! I apparently made it move up into the top eyelid way up at the top of my eyeball. I tried Visine....didn't work. 

So I called the nurse info line....

She said to try rinsing it with water and if it didn't work to come to the ER

So I tried the water....Big Mistake eye had become scratched and irritated by the finger nail so the water STUNG and caused me to blink MORE and caused it to hurt MORE!!

So I decide that instead of going to the ER I will make an appt to see the dr in the morning. I make the appt at 11am....I know this b/c Mike and I discussed it at great length about when it would be best for him to come watch the kids....the times they had available were 11, 1120, and 1140. I chose 11am

So after making the appt I decide to tough it our for the night

During the night I didn't sleep much...not because of the giant nail in my eye, but because Mike decided that was the night he would develop restless legs syndrome thus kicking the covers EVERY MINUTE...until I kicked him....of course this wakes him and he says...what did you wake me which I relpy b/c you WON'T LET ME SLEEP!

So back to the nail...

I wake up to find my eye is covered in after wiping away the goop I think the nail is gone...WRONG...the familiar poke is still there...but now it has is now in th bottom outside I grab a mirror and look...I can see the edge of the nail sticking out of my I pull it our from my eye lid...

I then take a picture of the nail b/c no one will surely believe me when I say it was huge (notice the dime beside it)

so now I go to the dr and am told my appt was at 10am...WTF!!!!!

I told the lady I made my appt online last night for which she tells me..."yeah...they've been having problems like that a lot lately...sorry but we don't have any other appts today..."

So I throw a fit and cry and an appointment "magically" appears.

So I now have some antibiotics to put into my...but we are all going to be ok... a warning to those out there who think trimming nails is a safe job....BEWARE

...Well I am off to dream land...tomorrow I am buying some safety goggles to trim nails in :)
March 8, 2007

Labcock or cockador?

Well tomorrow we go to Wilmington to pick up Andrew a puppy.   It is half Lab and half cocker spaniel.  So what kind of designer name would this be....I am leaning towards a cock-a-dor...too bad the fatehr wasn't a labradoodle then it could ba a cock-ra-doodle.....
SO its been a while since I have posted.  Why you might ask?  Well it seems like I decided since I actually had nothing nice to say I should keep my mouth shut.  WHAT?  That's right.  Rather than saying something to the person who pissed me off I have chosen to take the high road and not say anything. (Don't worry....if you have no idea what I am talking about thenit wasn't you)
I spent the last two weeks in Arkansas.  It was good to see some people again.  I had a great time with the "busty gals" in the hot tub (keep it clean people).  Which reminded me I need to take some time and hang out with the girls once and a while.  Since there aren't a lot of "girls" I hang out with here in NC I will have to settle for my tri-yearly treck to Arkansas to get my fix. 
We are now planning our vacation this summer.  Mike and I are planning on going to the races in May...then no telling what....But I'll keep ya posted.  
So anyway.  I am in spring cleaning gear...I want to get a bunch of projects finished this Mike's honey-do list keeps growing all the time.  We need to finish the guest room, andrew's room, Isabel's room, and well ok...let's just face it...EVERY room in the house needs some work.  You would think buying a brand new house (newly built) would mean there isn't much to do...WRONG.  There are always improvements to be made....I mean after all we want to get a hefty return when we sell the house in a few that means upgrading things as we go along.
Which brings me to another upgrade....when Mike enlists for his next (and last) 4 years he is supposed to get a bonus (10k)....put your hands is pretty much spent...ok mostly spent.  But at least we will be able to pay off most if not all of our credit debt and get gutters....I know I am excited about gutters...but it will keep my flowers from washing away.  Yes I know how boring that sounds!
Tomorrow I'll post some pics of the trip....until then.....