
August 12, 2011

It's getting closer.

Finally - we got the call from our moving coordinator about scheduling our move.  She is trying to get us moved the 18th-19th of Aug.  But if not then then the next week for sure.  Wow - that's soon - and we have so much more to do.   I feel like I am so far behind.  Sooo Faaaar Beeehhhiiinnddd.

However I am excited to be starting over in a new house, a new city, a new state.

We will be leaving behind friends, church, school, things of comfort...

It'll all work out in the end.

On Monday we will find out what date they will actually be moving us.  Assuming it is next week we are going to leave here on Sat and drive down.  We'll probably come back one weekend to finish some work up for the house to go on sale unless we get it all done next weekend.

I have been having a hard time sleeping - going on in my mind - colors to paint, furniture placement's literally driving me a little it's either I lay asleep thinking about it all or I take some tylenol PM = the problem with tpm is I am TIRED upon waking in the either way I am screwed.

August 2, 2011


We are having boeing move us, so the majority of the move and packing will be done by them, but I really needed to get a handle on the extra crap that is toys, kids extra books, stuffed animals, crafting and sewing stuff.  SO we have started boxing it up on our own.  Iz has some books and her princess dresses left in her room, Andrew has a little more, but that was because it took us forever for us to sort his room.  I could have just shoved it all into a box, but instead I got it all sorted and boxed neatly.

next up is to start working on the bonus room - I have a lot of craft stuff that needs to be sorted and boxed up.

So things are moving along nicely.  The moving company is calling on Friday to set everything up, so hopefully everything will be finalized and we can get a little more serious about that goes, stays and last minute things that need to be done in the house.