
March 2, 2006

NH sucks

Well I had my ob appt today.  I have officially lost 21 lbs this pregnancy.  The dr didn't seem to worried about it, she just said I may want to snack a bit more throughout the day.  We got to heat the heartbeat, it was 160...I can't remember if its a sign for a boy or a girl...
My early GD test came back normal and I got blood taken for my AFP test....
Oh and the hospital has a new policy on fetal scanning ultra sounds.....When I had Andrew they did it at 20-22 they wait and do it at 22-24 weeks...ugh thats almost 6 WEEKS AWAY!!!!! I am not sure if I can wait that long....I am trying to talk DH into letting me get it done earlier at a 3d imaging place....but I know it won't be as good of a picture as if we wait till closer to term...


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