
July 26, 2006

Still cooking the bun

Yep I am still pregnant.  I had a Dr Appt yesterday...had to to the whole Group B Strep thingy.  For those of you who have done it you know what it involves, and for those who don't I am not going to share at this time...its much better to find out once you are pregnant.  Anyway...Isabel is still head down, but hasn't dropped which means I still can walk, but I can only eat like a bird b/c she is literally up in my stomach.  My C-section date has not changed so unless something changes she coming 2 weeks from tomorrow.  The Dr said she figures she is close to 8lbs right now, and she still has 2 weeks I again am looking forward to giving birth to a toddler (Andrew was over 10lbs)...good thing I decided to do a repeat c-section.    She also gave me some Ambien so I can sleep (So Mike you can SNORE AWAY!)  and I did sleep like a baby last night.  I would like to go to sleep right now, but Mike is insisting we wait up to see what the powerball numbers are since he is sure we have picked (or at least the quick-pick machine has given us) the right number so we will be instantly rich.  Oh well....guess I am off to take a relaxing bath...until next time!


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