It's been a while, so I thought I would do a little horn tooting.....
Toot #1 some of you know she has been sleeping in the swing since she came home from the hospital (the second time)...but to me sleeping through the night in the swing is MUCH better than not sleeping through the night in the crib. The last few nights she has had a problem going to sleep in the swing...once asleep she slept through the night, but she just wouldn't fall last night we tried the swing...and she wouldn't I got her up...nursed her and then laid her in her crib...she cried for less than a minute and was sound asleep and slept till her brother woke her up in the am by kicking at the door.
Which leads me to toot #2....she is still nursing. Andrew quit at 3 months and truthfully was terrible at it. She is great...the problem is we still can't get her to take a botttle....
Toot #3 she does however use a sippy cup. I guess this is good b/c I will never have to wean her from the bottle, but now I will never get to use the cute pink bottles I bought her before she was born :(
Toot #4 Andrew is learning sign language...he knows more, please, milk, drink, fish, thank-you, and ceiling fan (don't ask)
Toot #5 he will sit on the potty w/o a diaper....which is a BIG improvement to the screaming that occured when we even MENTIONED the potty) He also NEEDS a book to sit on the idea where this came I have time to sit and read while pottying.
Toot #6 Andrew has moved to the 2 year old room...and now must drink out of a "big boy" cup and is doing quite well.
So I am all tooted out.
BUT for those of you in Ark....I will be in town at my parents in a week...
I almost forgot toot #7....Ia can sit up by herself and it trying to
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