
August 6, 2008

What a great national night out

Well I was debating on us going this year.  Last year it was great, but this year the heat index at 5pm was going to be 105.  Well, we decided to go and  it was HOT Iz fell asleep on the way there and then slept in her stroller the first 30 minutes.  SO then there is this thing the police do.  They give away 120 bikes of various sizes.  You have to stand in line for a ticket, then put your ticket in the box of the bike you want and then every hour starting at 6:30 they draw the winner (you have to be present)  They do 40 or so bikes each hour so you have to stand in line all over again if you don't win one during the first draw.  Well last year the line was about a mile long so we didn't even mess with it.  This year the national night out started at 6 and we got there as soon as it started.  We decided to walk down around the bike booth first, when we got there there was hardly anyone in line so we decided to do it.  We got our tickets (one for Iz and one for Andrew) and they had seven 12" bikes in both girls and boys.  I put Iz's ticket in 4 (there was 1 other ticket in there) and Andrew put his in 3.  We walked around till it was time for the draw....and Andrew's number got called!  DH took Iz with him up to get the bike and to register it with the police.  Then they called the next one and Iz won a bike too!  SO here I am trying to get through the crowd with 2 strollers and a 3 year old crying b/c his daddy left to go up front.  One of the Police men came up to me and asked if my husband had just come up there with a little girl, I told him yes and he said if you'll give me your ticket I'll have him register the second bike so you don't have to get the 2 strollers up there (Thank God!)  So not only did they get bikes, but target furnished them with helmets too!.  I took their pictures with their bikes so I can send thank you cards to the business that sponsored their bikes.  Now here's the thing...we had plannedon getting Andrew a bike for mom said I should just put the bike away and give it to him for christmas, but trust me he's not going to forget his new bike (he even wanted to sleep with the helmet)  And Iz we actually got her a tricycle for her birthday, so we think we are going to let her keep her helmet and give her the tricycle still for her birthday and then give her the bike for christmas.  Now we have to come up with a big gift for Andrew for Christmas...lmbo!
Now for Pictures:
First is Iz after she finally woke up
Andrew, Iz and DH with a race car
Andrew and his bike
Iz and her bike


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