We had to get up extra early to visit the animal kingdom. It was early hours for resort guests so we got to enter before the rest of the crowd for the day...
Isabel waiting for the bus
Mike riding the bus
Andrew riding the bus
Me and the kids at the gate to the Animal Kingdom
Mike and the kids at the front of the Animal Kingdom
Once we got inside we got to see the opening show - the kids loved it!
Me, Mike, and the kids in front of the tree of life
The first ride we did was the safari - the kids got to see lots of animals
From there we grabbed fast passes at Expidition everest (for Mike) and then headed over to let the kids ride the Triceratops spin...actually Andrew rode it once then Mike and him headed over and rode Dinosaur, but since Isabel was too small, we rode the Triceratops Spin 3 more times.
Andrew riding the triceratops spin
Isabel riding the Triceratops Spin
After riding the TS - we went and got in line to meet Goofy and Pluto -
Andrew and Isabel waiting in line
Isabel and Goofy
Andrew and Pluto
All of us with Goofy and Pluto
All of us in front of Expedition Everest
A little later Andrew and Mike rode the Kali River Rapids...I warned them they might get soaked, but amazingly enough they both stayed pretty dry.
We then headed to the Flame Tree BBQ for lunch
Isabel waiting on lunch
Andrew waiting on lunch
We then went over and let Mike ride Expedition Everest. Afterwards we headed over to see Festival of the Lion King
Isabel waiting to see the Lion King
After the Lion King the kids met another character
That night we had reservations at the Contemporary Hotel at Chef Mickey.
Isabel and Donald
Andrew and Donald
Isabel and Goofy
Andrew and Goofy
Andrew and Pluto
Isabel and Pluto
Isabel and Minnie
Andrew and Minnie
Andrew and Mickey
Isabel and Mickey
Stay tuned - tomorrow we head to Hollywood Studios :) Lots of pictures from there too!
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