
February 20, 2010

Lent day 3 & 4

Yep I made it through 4 days - only 36 days left.

Day 3

Once again Eve did not fall asleep on the way home. So today I put her back in the exersaucer and popped in a Baby Einstein video ... she hated it. REALLY hated it. At 18 minutes I had to stop my walk and move her from the exersaucer to the bouncer (another thing she hates) and gave her a chew toy (ok so it's really a teething necklace, Iz calls it a chew toy)

That kept her content for....oh....30 seconds.

But I made it through...

Today - 1.188 miles, 201 calories, 30 minutes

Day 4

Today was supposed to be a relaxing day of exercising...meaning once Eve went to sleep, Mike was going to take the other 2 in the jogging stroller for his lent goal (running 3 miles a day).

Problem? - The tires had gone since the last time we used it (oh about 6 months ago)

So we drug out the air tank and filled them up...and they were on their way. I got on the treadmill and started...3 minutes into it I realized I needed music, so I paused my workout and turned the channel to some techno channel on sirus (I need to seriously find my I-pod charger)

Everything was going great until - with 4 minutes left - In run the kids, and husband - I tell them I have a little over 3 minutes left can they please go to the bedroom so I can finish....

It's not that I mind them watching, but it's hard to work out with people asking you come on...I only have 3 minutes left.

Mike gets the tv on for them then leaves....Iz comes out...I'm starving (which BTW is her asking for a snack, somehow they thing starving=snack, hungry=real meal)

I keep waiting for Mike to walk back mike...I pause the treadmill...look Mike...

Eve wakes up, I jump back on and finish the last 2 minutes with one child asking me to be fed and another screaming in the swing....

10 minutes later hubby returns...thankfully I had a chance to cool off (mentally) and I ask him where he went...he said it was too much work pushing 75lbs in a stroller...I then tell get to exercise 5 days a week by kids crying, no one asking you questions...can I PLEASE have Saturday and Sunday to myself...if they are too heavy then just walk with them...either way I need a break...

Hopefully he'll listen...

Today 1.215 miles, 204 calories, 30 minutes

4.8 miles
811 calories
2 hours 1 minute


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