
August 20, 2010

it's been a while ... part deux

ok - time for an update on me -

Soon I am going to be knee deep in soccer/dance mom mode.  Between school, soccer, dance, and maybe preschool I am going to be running the road constantly.  I also am going back to school in the Fall - my classes start Aug 25th - I am FINALLY going back for my Masters in Emergency Management and Homeland Security.  I will be doing my classes online (all 3 of them) so finding time to get them done will be interesting.  I am looking into getting a netbook with my cell phone provider so if I am waiting on kids appts or dance/soccer I can still get work done if I need to.

I guess that brings us all up to speed - well except one thing I forgot to mention yesterday - Mike's retirement.  Yep - we are getting much, much closer - as in his "official" date is May 31st, but with his terminal leave, etc we are looking at mid march.  We have no idea if and or where we are moving, nor do we really know much of anything except that we are kinda stuck in "hurry up and wait" mode.  In the current economy we aren't being too picky as to where we go - it's kinda where can we afford and get a job.  After all it's much easier to find a job where you want to be if you have a job to support you while you are looking.

Well its time to get off here and decide what's for dinner - Im leaning towards a ribeye and some fresh garden veggies....


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