I survived...again
I stayed under my recommended daily carbs - but I had a "no-no" food. Andrew brought home his pizza certificate from book-it. Wow I remember doing book-it way back in the day. Anyway, It took me forever to figure out how to separate carbs in the crust and calories etc - but I think I did a good job. I ate 1 slice (except outer crust) and the tops of 2 other slices.
I am starting to feel that ketosis "fog".
I am also getting fond of protein shakes....which I think is great - however I know once I make it to the 2 weeks of nothing but shakes and other liquids the "newness" will have worn off of them.
I did some WLS shopping yesterday, I bought some chicken soup protein powder (a lot of people swear by it so we'll see)
I bought some "just cheese" for a low carb alternative snack. Again - some people swear by them - others hate them.... I bet I could make my own by throwing my tomato basil feta cheese on a cookie sheet and baking it till it's crispy.....
I also bought some sugar (and aspartame) free choc and vanilla syrup. Again I've "heard" that sometimes it's good (as in tastes better) to add a shot of syrup to your protein shakes for more flavor....
Also - a bit of sad news
I have a favorite pair of jeans - everyone has them - mine are getting too big, I can now pull them off and on without buttoning them. When I walk the sag down so I have droopy drawers.
Good news? Because my weight loss is happening during summer I can easily stretch my cloth usage out because I mostly wear stuff (around here) with elastic in the waist so I don't see them falling off anytime soon...
Lastly - a bit of funny.....
Andrew is going to the nursing home today with his class...He asked me who lives there, I told him older people - to which he asked "like nana - will she be there? LMBO my mom was amused
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