So I am still breastfeeding...I am actually celebrating this b/c by this time with Andrew I had switched to formula. But not this fact since I am not only feeding her but getting the opportunity to pump in the morning before she awakes (ok it's not really an opportunity...more like necessity...she is sleeping through the night and if I don't pump before she gets up I literally drown her) I now have a stock pile of breast last count around 500 oz of milk in my freezer...I have filled up the bottom shelf and am now moving onto the next shelf.
BUT...2 weeks ago Iz got RSV...and she decided to nurse a little less...I mean who can blame her, she was sick, but b/c she was nursing less I was making less etc now I needed to ramp up my milk I bought this magic herb Fenugreek. I had heard great things about it increasing your supply and once re-established you don't have to keep taking it. Which leads me to my next problem...
I SMELL LIKE PANCAKES...What in the hell is she smoking right? Apparently one of side-effects of the herb is you can start to smell like maple syrup since the herb is used to make artifical maple syrup....oh the other side the smell comes from your sweat...and I am now producing more of I now smell like pancakes.
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