
December 30, 2006

Saddam hanging party here

Mike and I were on our way from picking up new dishes (another story I'll post later) and we passed by a bar in Jacksonville with a sign posted with the words (Saddam hanging party here...come inside!).  To even type these words makes my blood boil.  I am sure this post will offend some, and though I am usually one to offer an apology before I approach my soapbox, this time I will not apologize for my opinion.  My first reaction was complete disgust...Saddam was a horrible man, yet he was HUMAN.  To see or hear about someone celebrating the death of a human is disgusting and really shows how far some in our society have fallen.  My second reaction was actually a tear...yeah, I know a tear for a can that be.  My tear wasn't necessarly for him but for his family.  Despite the way her ruled his country he was still a husband, a father, a brother and a son.  To someone he was everything, and now he is gone.  So even though I had much more to say I am stopping...instead of venting I am heading to bed early and will say a prayer for his soul, and for the pain his family is now feeling to cease. 


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