Yeah I am stalking the mail lady. Why? have some new cloth diapers coming (yes we cloth diaper Isabel...and I love it...its a breeze and its good for the yes I am a breast feeding, clothe diapering I still adore Steak so I am not all crunchy momma yet...lmbo)
Anyway I went out to my car and I saw her in the neighborhood...the mail I have my door open...just waiting on a package...and it may not come today, but I'm stalking her anyway. I guess I could look up my deliver info from the website I ordered fom and see when it is...if its being delivered today...but where's the fun? I mean we used to stalk boys(light use of the term here...ya know what I mean...I mean how many times did we drve by goodys to see if Josh the hottie fireman was working or not? )
SO now I have evolved and moved on to stalking the little old mail lady :)
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