
November 7, 2007

Update and thanks (not for those with a weak stomach)

Well I thougt I'd let everyone know (in case you haven't noticed) I have some new pics of the kids in my photos.
As for me...We went in for another ultrasound on the 30th.  There still was no heartbeat.  So later that afternoon we had a d & c.   Instead of general anesthia I opted for a spinal with sedation.  It wasn't too bad.  I don't remember anything after getting the spinal.  It took forever for me to get released though.  I was walking fine, ut apparently I had to pee before I could get released...and my lady bits were still numb so I couldnt pee...lo
The nextday (Halloween) I was feeling cramps etc...percocet was great...Mike took the kids trick or treating.  I stayed at home and handed out candy. 
The next dayMike was supposed to have 24 hour duty...meaning he wouldn't be home until the next morning.  Well around 11am I started having mild cramps...then around 3-4pm they were mind blowing...even worse than the contractions with Andrew.  At5pm I called Mike and said he might have to come home.  I went to the bathroom and 8-9 golfball sized clots came out as well as a rush of blood.  I called Mike and told him to get hom ASAP that we had to go to the er.  I called my neighbor ...I asked him is his wife was home, he said not for another 15 minutes.  I asked him if he could watch the kids untl she got home and he told me no, he had boards tomorrow.  What an ass, I am freaking bleeding everywhere and he won't watch the kids until his wife gets home.  I hope he never call us during an emergency...cause we won't be home.  So I ask him for his nighbors number b/c I can't find it.  He of course doesn't know it, but offers to go next door and have her to call me.  how sweet right...well she comes over and gets the kids and Mike takes me to the ER...where we wait for 6 hours before seeing the dr.  They give me several shots to stop the bleeding and shrink my uterus...and send me home with instructions to do nothing the next few days....which I do nothing the next few days. 
I had another appt on Monday...everything looks fine...its all over with.  
I do want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers.   


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