
February 15, 2009

Back in the land of craziness

We made it back to Arkansas. We left out Friday am, about 30 minutes into the drive Iz got sick...and sick...and sick. About every hour on the hour she lost her cookies. She never ran a fever...and I don't think she was getting car sick, so I have no idea what was going on.

Once we got to Alabama my parents took her and Andrew to the store to get dinner while I stayed at the hotel waiting on Mike. They said they were going to get her some crackers...she ended up throwing a fit for a cheeseburger. SO she ate a cheeseburger, fries and sweet tea and kept it all down.

I actually came back to a clean house...(yay Mike) Of course he thinks this makes up for all the times I came home to a mess...maybe it will :P

Mike is off Monday and Tuesday, so that gives us plenty of time to mess it up again lmbo!
February 11, 2009

The end is near

The end of the vacation is near...tomorrow my mom's class is having a Valentines Day Party at the school, so the kids are going to go get loaded up on sugar. After that I'll get the car cleaned out and loaded up for the drive to Alabama.

Friday we'll get up at BCD (butt crack of dawn) and make the drive to Alabama to meet Mike.

This trip has been fun, the kids have really enjoyed being here with the grandparents. But on the other hand...visits to the hospital, er, and urgent clinic ....followed by bad storms ... well they do not make for the ideal vacation.

I have tons of photos to share, and I will share once I get back to the trusty laptop, but until then just my words will have to do.
February 8, 2009

Finally on the Mend

My little Iz got sick right before we came out here to AR. She was put on Septra, and after 6 days on it she developed a severe rash. The rash spread all over her face, so Thursday I took her to urgent care. They told me to stop the antibiotics (which I had) and give her benedryl (which I had)

The next day she woke up and her little eyes were almost swollen shut. I took her to the er (who by the way told me she looked fine (WTH), and that I should take her to her regular dr ( uhm yeah let me just fly home and do that) they then told me I could take her to the urgent clinic (which opened at 9:30 and it wasn't even 8 yet!

So they sent me to the front desk and told me I cold either wait 2 hours or let the ER treat her but they would charge me 50.00 deposit since it wasn't an "actual emergency" Uhm whatever....they ended up seeing her anyway after I threw a fit, and they gave her a shot and she was much better...

Until Sat AM that is....on Sat her rash started spreading and so I called both her ped clinic AND my own family dr (meaning my cousin) and they BOTH said she needed to take some oral We take her back to the ER....they of course won't see her again (oh did I mention that I heard one of the nurses mention that they hadn't had a patient all night )

So we went back to the walk in clinic and saw a WONDERFUL dr who agreed she needed to be on an oral steroid and sent her home with enough to last till Monday and then we would have to travel AGAIN to fill the darn prescription because there isn't a place that fills them in that town on Sunday's

That's all I am going to say about it .... and trust me I could say PLENTY more, but just thinking of it makes my blood boil to the point I might dig out some stationary and write the Board of the Mena hospital and the local paper about their foolishness (and trust me several people I have talked to since then have echoed my same sentiments.

But now she is doing a little better, the rash is no longer spreading, but everywhere she has the rash she is now keep your fingers crossed...I really don't want to have to travel on Friday with a sick kid.
February 4, 2009

Little men and big cars

Today I went back to the Lab to get a second round of blood drawn. I load up the kids and head to the hospital. After we got done, I loaded them back up in the car, backed up, stopped, and put the car in drive. Before I could move ...WHAM... a car backs up and hits my tahoe. I put the tahoe in park and the guy jumps out of his tahoe screaming and yelling at me. I proceed to pick up my phone and dial 911. The guy starts out saying I hit him until he looks and then realizes that no, he hit me. The police arrived and said yep he was at fault, did a report, and I was on my way. I guess the little guy thought if he yelled at me enough I'd just say oh well, lets just forget about it, but no, him yelling at me made me mad.

We are now playing a waiting game. Hopefully soon we will find out if this little pumpkin is sticking...keep your fingers crossed!
February 3, 2009

Go Team Go!

Today Andrew found a small ball and was kicking it around the kitchen. Isabel came running into the room and yelled GO TEAM GO! She even made some little pumping action with her right arm. It was Soooo cute. I have no idea where she got it, but it sure caused us a lot of laughs.

Today is the second full day of being in Arkansas. We really didn't do much at all today. The kids of course ran like tornados around my parents non-babyproofed house, and I spent most of the day moving dangerous objects into closets. By the time we leave my mom will have no idea where half her stuff is.

Tomorrow I am going to meet Robin in Mena for lunch and do my mom's grocery shopping for her.

I talked to Mike today. He always says he is going to enjoy 2 weeks of having the house to himself, but usually after the first day he is bored out of his mind. He said today that the house is so cold and lonely without us there :( (It kinda makes me feel glad I am missed)

I had tons I wanted to write about today, but Ms Iz decided to wake at 1am and I didn't fall asleep again till 3am and so I am exhausted!

Till next time!
February 2, 2009

We're here!

We left Saturday am before the sun came up. The whole trip I was super car sick. We stopped for lunch in Augusta, GA at Famous Daves. Ugh it smelled soo good, but at the same time I had to choke down most of my meal...

So we get to Alabama and meet my parents (for those of you who do not know, Mike drives me to meet my parents in Alabama, we stay the night and then Mike drives their car home and we take our SUV back to Arkansas. I "know" I'd be ok driving half-way across country with the kids by myself (plus onstar) but It IS a lot nicer to have someone take a turn driving :)

We meet my parents and decide to have chinese for dinner. I still felt sick, so I convinced Mike to take me to the store to get a test to see. We left the kiddos with my parents in the hotel and drove to Target to get a test plus some snacks since my little monsters cleaned us out on the drive down. So we get back to the hotel. The test I grabbed was a stinking digital test. I hate those. You HAVE to wait till IT is ready to tell can't watch to see if the line is there, you can't squint to see if there is a line coming in...nope, it's just blunt and to the point.

After 3 long minutes it gave me the answer...Yes looks like we'll be having a little pumpkin in October :)