
February 8, 2009

Finally on the Mend

My little Iz got sick right before we came out here to AR. She was put on Septra, and after 6 days on it she developed a severe rash. The rash spread all over her face, so Thursday I took her to urgent care. They told me to stop the antibiotics (which I had) and give her benedryl (which I had)

The next day she woke up and her little eyes were almost swollen shut. I took her to the er (who by the way told me she looked fine (WTH), and that I should take her to her regular dr ( uhm yeah let me just fly home and do that) they then told me I could take her to the urgent clinic (which opened at 9:30 and it wasn't even 8 yet!

So they sent me to the front desk and told me I cold either wait 2 hours or let the ER treat her but they would charge me 50.00 deposit since it wasn't an "actual emergency" Uhm whatever....they ended up seeing her anyway after I threw a fit, and they gave her a shot and she was much better...

Until Sat AM that is....on Sat her rash started spreading and so I called both her ped clinic AND my own family dr (meaning my cousin) and they BOTH said she needed to take some oral We take her back to the ER....they of course won't see her again (oh did I mention that I heard one of the nurses mention that they hadn't had a patient all night )

So we went back to the walk in clinic and saw a WONDERFUL dr who agreed she needed to be on an oral steroid and sent her home with enough to last till Monday and then we would have to travel AGAIN to fill the darn prescription because there isn't a place that fills them in that town on Sunday's

That's all I am going to say about it .... and trust me I could say PLENTY more, but just thinking of it makes my blood boil to the point I might dig out some stationary and write the Board of the Mena hospital and the local paper about their foolishness (and trust me several people I have talked to since then have echoed my same sentiments.

But now she is doing a little better, the rash is no longer spreading, but everywhere she has the rash she is now keep your fingers crossed...I really don't want to have to travel on Friday with a sick kid.


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