Today I went back to the Lab to get a second round of blood drawn. I load up the kids and head to the hospital. After we got done, I loaded them back up in the car, backed up, stopped, and put the car in drive. Before I could move ...WHAM... a car backs up and hits my tahoe. I put the tahoe in park and the guy jumps out of his tahoe screaming and yelling at me. I proceed to pick up my phone and dial 911. The guy starts out saying I hit him until he looks and then realizes that no, he hit me. The police arrived and said yep he was at fault, did a report, and I was on my way. I guess the little guy thought if he yelled at me enough I'd just say oh well, lets just forget about it, but no, him yelling at me made me mad.
We are now playing a waiting game. Hopefully soon we will find out if this little pumpkin is sticking...keep your fingers crossed!
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