
January 13, 2010

cakes, high chairs and mops

Yes the little things in life make me happy....

Yesterday we took Andrew to Walmart so he could pick out his cake for his birthday - well actually 2 cakes. One for Friday and his pizza party at school, and another for his actual birthday. He ended up picking out a transformer cake for school and a batman cake for home. Of course they had all these cute fairy cakes which Iz insisted she needed for HER birthday...

Then we headed back to the back of the store and picked up the high chair my mom sent for Eve. Now she will be able to join us at the table for meals instead of sitting in the other room in her swing or exersaucer.

Next we headed to SEARS to pick up my shark mop. I have had my eye on one for a while, but couldn't justify charging it. Then when we got our gift card from SEARS I knew what I wanted to get... I am going to try it out today - it's probably the only time in my life I have been excited to mop....and truth be told after the first time I will probably not be excited because even if it's a breeze it'll still be cleaning...and who gets excited about cleaning????

I'll post an update (with photos) later and give you my full report on the mop (as well as my food saver I got for Christmas :) )


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