I haven't started my treadmill workouts - mainly because there are boxes stacked up in front of it - and I think once I got them moved I'd be too tired to work out....well that and I am a slacker.
I started the photo challenge of 1 photo a day .... and I am already missing like 4 days (and its the 10th of January) - the reason??? I like to keep my camera put away so the kids don't break it....well that and I am a slacker.
I did keep the goal of keeping up with what I save with coupons....but I have tons of coupons to clip and add to my binder....no real reason....except I'm a slacker.
--I have my taxes ready to file on January 16th!
--I have a good part of our Disney trip planned (yeah....the one that is in Sept...no slacking there)
--My parents are coming out the last full week in March - she is on spring break so they are coming out to see the kids. (and me and hubby too) I'm not sure what we will do - Mike will have to work most likely - I know one day will probably be out on the beach...we'll probably rent a seashell for the day so we can have a shower and shady area.
So now on to some photos.....some were from my "photo challenge" and others are just because...
1. Mike introducing Iz to static electricity
2. Eve at 3 months
3. This is what Eve does when you try and lay her down - she tries to set back up....just working those abs!
till next time!
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