
November 8, 2007

Stalking the mail lady

Yeah I am stalking the mail lady.  Why?   have some new cloth diapers coming (yes we cloth diaper Isabel...and I love it...its a breeze and its good for the yes I am a breast feeding, clothe diapering I still adore Steak so I am not all crunchy momma yet...lmbo)

Anyway I went out to my car and I saw her in the neighborhood...the mail I have my door open...just waiting on a package...and it may not come today, but I'm stalking her anyway.  I guess I could look up my deliver info from the website I ordered fom and see when it is...if its being delivered today...but where's the fun?  I mean we used to stalk boys(light use of the term here...ya know what I mean...I mean how many times did we drve by goodys to see if Josh the hottie fireman was working or not?  )
SO now I have evolved and moved on to stalking the little old mail lady :)
November 7, 2007

Update and thanks (not for those with a weak stomach)

Well I thougt I'd let everyone know (in case you haven't noticed) I have some new pics of the kids in my photos.
As for me...We went in for another ultrasound on the 30th.  There still was no heartbeat.  So later that afternoon we had a d & c.   Instead of general anesthia I opted for a spinal with sedation.  It wasn't too bad.  I don't remember anything after getting the spinal.  It took forever for me to get released though.  I was walking fine, ut apparently I had to pee before I could get released...and my lady bits were still numb so I couldnt pee...lo
The nextday (Halloween) I was feeling cramps etc...percocet was great...Mike took the kids trick or treating.  I stayed at home and handed out candy. 
The next dayMike was supposed to have 24 hour duty...meaning he wouldn't be home until the next morning.  Well around 11am I started having mild cramps...then around 3-4pm they were mind blowing...even worse than the contractions with Andrew.  At5pm I called Mike and said he might have to come home.  I went to the bathroom and 8-9 golfball sized clots came out as well as a rush of blood.  I called Mike and told him to get hom ASAP that we had to go to the er.  I called my neighbor ...I asked him is his wife was home, he said not for another 15 minutes.  I asked him if he could watch the kids untl she got home and he told me no, he had boards tomorrow.  What an ass, I am freaking bleeding everywhere and he won't watch the kids until his wife gets home.  I hope he never call us during an emergency...cause we won't be home.  So I ask him for his nighbors number b/c I can't find it.  He of course doesn't know it, but offers to go next door and have her to call me.  how sweet right...well she comes over and gets the kids and Mike takes me to the ER...where we wait for 6 hours before seeing the dr.  They give me several shots to stop the bleeding and shrink my uterus...and send me home with instructions to do nothing the next few days....which I do nothing the next few days. 
I had another appt on Monday...everything looks fine...its all over with.  
I do want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers.   
October 23, 2007

No heartbeat

We didn't find a heatbeat today at the ultrasound.  We go back next we make sure, but the dr is pretty sure we miscarried b/c the baby was measuring 9 weeks and there should have been a heartbeat.
August 27, 2007

More paintings

Ok, I have been to 3 more classes.  I really like it, even if I am not good at it it gives me a way to take a time out from the day to day SAHM life.

This one I don't really like, I was really excited b/c it was supposed to be a seascape, but the teacher switched on us, I guess its ok.

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This is the seascape that I was excited about doing...I did it the following week

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This one is so far my favorite....I can't wait till christmas so I can hang it in my living room!

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August 14, 2007


Ok, soI recently had a birthday...yes I turned 30 a week ago.
Mike got me 2 cute kitten cakes from Wal-mart...

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We went to National Night Out at the riverpark and got a bunch of free stuff...Andrew got to ride the pony

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Then on Friday Isabel turned 1 we had a party for her on Sunday....

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August 4, 2007

The joy of painting happy little trees

I have been looking for a new hobby to get me out of the house more.  So the other day I decided to try a Bob Ross class at Michael's.  It cost me a small fortune to buy all the supplies, but I will be able to use the brushes and paints for more than the one class.  So I was off Thursday night for almost 4 hours to paint my little happy trees.

This is my painting......

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It is a bit shiny b/c it takes 3 weeks to dry. But I had a great time and I am going back for another class in 2 weeks and am going to do a christmas painting on a saturday.
June 18, 2007

Seashells by the seashore

Sunday was Father's Day.   We rented a seashell by the but our day didn't start out so grand.  I had planned on packing up our stuff the night before, but uhm I got busy doing something else  and since the kids have been waking up at around 7 I thought well I'll do it in the morning...well for some strange reason they decided to sleep past 8am.  This threw a wrench in our we get the kids dressed and haphazardly pack stuff for the beach.  We get into town and quickly realize why we usually get up early for "special" day breakfasts.  Cracker Barrel had people lined up outside, so we drove to IHOP.  The wait was about 20 minutes.  So we stuck around.  We finally got a table with a rude and incompetent waitress.  So at breakfast DH and I are talking about stuff we should have put in the car and we realized we forgot some things at the house.  Instead of making the trek back we just went to KMART and bought a blanket and some chairs. 
So we get to the beach and suprisingly it isn't very full at all.
Andrew wanted to stay in the water the whole time...Isabel wanted nothing to do with the waves...she instead preferred to dine on fine North Carolina Sand. 
I have some pics posted here
Once we were tired of being beachy we went to the exchange to get some ice cream ( my only way of stopping Andrew from crying when we told him we had to leave)  We ended up buying a new couch and rug.  They will be delivered soon.  Lucky for us the exchange on base has a deal with the CDC that for every 50 you spend at the exchange you get a coupon for 1 free night of childcare on a Sat at the CDC.  They let us use the purchase of the couch/loveseat and so we now have 13 free nights of childcare (we have to use 2 coupons since we have 2
June 13, 2007


Moles...I don't think while living in Arkansas we ever had a problem with moles...armadillos yes..moles no.  Well since out lovely Buddy has become an inside dog I have noticed that we have these "tunnels" in our back yard and lots of "mole hills"  So I called our exterminator...turns out whle they kill any and all insects/mice/rats they don't delve into the mole business but they do have a "mole guy" they can recommed.  So they give me the number...and honestly I was busy doing a million other things and I lost the number.  SO I get on the wildlife page for NC and find who they recommend.  Turns out their "mole guy" is the same mole guy my exterminator recommended.  So I give the mole guy a call.   He tells me he charges money to remove them...100 in fact.  Before I can say anything he say7s takes a lot of work to remove them...honestly I don't really care how much it costs as long as I don't have to set the traps ( I like all my fingers and toes) and I don't have to get rid of them after they meet their maker.  He assures me I won't have to do a I think 100 is a fair trade (plus he doesn't take the money till after the moles are gone...I really like this guy!) 
Well mole guy comes out today and verifies that I do indeed have moles in the yard...he sets about 6 or so traps and tells me it will take 3 rains before he can say they are truly gone...something abiout worms and grubas and water...I wasn't listening b/c I was trying to hold a squirming 10 month old and corral Andrew who kept asking him  "where's Michael?" 
So now we wait...will there be moles on Friday when he comes to check the traps or will they have escaped?  

Now onto this weekend....I rented a seashell at the really I am serious.  At the beach on base they have these things called seashells...they are little cabin-like things that have a picnic table, dressing room, and shower right on the beach!  So Sunday (fathers day) we are getting up and eating B-fast at IHOP  or crackerbarrel and then heading out for a full day on the beach.  This is the first time in almost 2 years I have been to the beach...I know I know I am 30 minutes away from the beach and I NEVER GO....If sunday works out we may go more often ;)

April 30, 2007

It's been awhile

Well, not alot is going on out here.  Hence the reason I haven't blogged in a while.   We've been spending most of the weekends doing spring cleaning in the yards and in the house.  Yeah I know, real exciting huh!  Well I am going on vacation...err WE are going on vacation this summer to visit family in Arkansas.  We are also currently looking at possibly upgrading to a bigger car in the future.  Mikes biggest worry was that the gas mileage would be worse, but it doesn't look like if we get what I want to get there will be any increase. 
Well I know I could probably pick some random topic and go on some sort of rant, but right now I am tired...the kids are in bed and Mike is working late.  I think it might be time for a nice long bubble bath!
April 15, 2007


I got this via e-mail and had to share...regarding the Always Maxi Pads new campaign "Have a Happy Period!"

To the Brand Manager of P&G's Always Maxi Pads, who is a Man.
I have been a loyal user of your Always maxi pads for over 20 years, and I appreciate many of their features. Why, without the LeakGuard Core ™ or Dri-Weave(tm) absorbency, I'd probably never go horseback riding or
salsa dancing, and I'd certainly steer clear of running up and down the beach in tight, white shorts. But my favorite feature has to be your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos on being the only company smart enough to realize how crucial it is that maxi pads be aerodynamic.I can't tell you how safe and secure I feel each month knowing there's a little F-16 in my pants.
Well, my "time of the month" is starting right now. As I type, I can already feel hormonal forces violently surging through my body. Just a few minutes from now, my body will adjust and I'll be transformed into what my husband likes to call "an inbred hillbilly with knife skills." Isn't the human body amazing?
As brand manager in the feminine-hygiene division, you've no doubt seen quite a bit of research on what exactly happens during your customers' monthly visits from Aunt Flo. Therefore, you must know about the bloating, puffiness, and cramping we endure, and about our intense mood swings, crying jags, and out-of-control behavior. You surely realize it's a tough time for most women. In fact, only last week, my friend Jennifer fought the violent urge to shove her boyfriend's testicles into a George Foreman Grill just because he told her he thought Grey's Anatomy was written by drunken chimps. Crazy!
The point is, sir, you of all people must realize that America is just crawling with homicidal maniacs in capri pants. Which brings me to the reason for my letter.
Last month, while in the throes of cramping so painful I wanted to reach inside my body and yank out my uterus, I opened an Always maxi pad, and there, printed on the adhesive backing, were these words: "Have a Happy Period."
Are you kidding me? What I mean is, does any part of your tiny middle-manager brain really think happiness - actual smiling, laughing happiness-is possible during a menstrual period? Did anything mentioned above sound the least bit pleasurable? Well, did it? FYI, unless you're some kind of sick S&M freak girl, there will never be anything "happy" about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlúa and lock yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreens armed with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end
your life in a blaze of glory.
For the love of God, pull your head out, man. If you just have to slap a moronic message on a maxi pad, wouldn't it make more sense to say something that's actually pertinent, like "Put Down the Hammer" or "Vehicular manslaughter Is Wrong"? Or are you just picking on us?
Sir, please inform your accounting department that, effective immediately, there will be an $8 drop in monthly profits, for I have chosen to take my maxi-pad business elsewhere. And though I will certainly miss your Flexi-Wings, I will not for one minute miss your brand of condescending crap. And that's a promise I will keep.
April 4, 2007

Myrtle Beach

Mike had to burn some we took off to myrtle beach last week.
Instead of posting the pictures on my pics I decided to post them here...
The first day we took them down to the beach, Andrew didn't want to get his feet in the sand.<br>..Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">

Isabel Stayed in the stroller
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The second day it was in the 80's so we took the kids to the ocean and then to the pool.

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The next day it was in the 60's (Go figure) So we took the kids to a park at Broadway at the Beach

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They got to feed the ducks...

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The last day we went to the Aquarium...

Isabel and the "jellies"<
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Andrew and the "nemos"<br>
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All in all it was a good break. We stayed at Bay Watch Resort in North Myrtle Beach. The room was nice with a seperate bedroom and living room and full kitchen. It had a huge jacuzzi tub in the bathroom and a washer/dryer in on of the closets ( you can tell I am so a mommy got excited that I could bring home CLEAN clothes instead of Dirty ones)The living room had a balcony facing the ocean.
the best part? The rates for the weekend was only 59.00 a night! Heck we payed more in the BFE of Tennessee when travelling to and from Arkansas! Myrtle beach had a few spring breakers, but I probably could have counted them on one
March 16, 2007

Beware of infant finger nails

So Izabels fingernails were getting a bit last night as she was nursing (yes she is still nursing...I never thought I'd make it 7 months!)  I decided to clip her nails...I got the first side done without incident so I switched boobys and proceeded to cut the second hand....I got to the next to last nail and a nail flew into my eye!

so I rubbed my eye...Big mistake! I apparently made it move up into the top eyelid way up at the top of my eyeball. I tried Visine....didn't work. 

So I called the nurse info line....

She said to try rinsing it with water and if it didn't work to come to the ER

So I tried the water....Big Mistake eye had become scratched and irritated by the finger nail so the water STUNG and caused me to blink MORE and caused it to hurt MORE!!

So I decide that instead of going to the ER I will make an appt to see the dr in the morning. I make the appt at 11am....I know this b/c Mike and I discussed it at great length about when it would be best for him to come watch the kids....the times they had available were 11, 1120, and 1140. I chose 11am

So after making the appt I decide to tough it our for the night

During the night I didn't sleep much...not because of the giant nail in my eye, but because Mike decided that was the night he would develop restless legs syndrome thus kicking the covers EVERY MINUTE...until I kicked him....of course this wakes him and he says...what did you wake me which I relpy b/c you WON'T LET ME SLEEP!

So back to the nail...

I wake up to find my eye is covered in after wiping away the goop I think the nail is gone...WRONG...the familiar poke is still there...but now it has is now in th bottom outside I grab a mirror and look...I can see the edge of the nail sticking out of my I pull it our from my eye lid...

I then take a picture of the nail b/c no one will surely believe me when I say it was huge (notice the dime beside it)

so now I go to the dr and am told my appt was at 10am...WTF!!!!!

I told the lady I made my appt online last night for which she tells me..."yeah...they've been having problems like that a lot lately...sorry but we don't have any other appts today..."

So I throw a fit and cry and an appointment "magically" appears.

So I now have some antibiotics to put into my...but we are all going to be ok... a warning to those out there who think trimming nails is a safe job....BEWARE

...Well I am off to dream land...tomorrow I am buying some safety goggles to trim nails in :)
March 8, 2007

Labcock or cockador?

Well tomorrow we go to Wilmington to pick up Andrew a puppy.   It is half Lab and half cocker spaniel.  So what kind of designer name would this be....I am leaning towards a cock-a-dor...too bad the fatehr wasn't a labradoodle then it could ba a cock-ra-doodle.....
SO its been a while since I have posted.  Why you might ask?  Well it seems like I decided since I actually had nothing nice to say I should keep my mouth shut.  WHAT?  That's right.  Rather than saying something to the person who pissed me off I have chosen to take the high road and not say anything. (Don't worry....if you have no idea what I am talking about thenit wasn't you)
I spent the last two weeks in Arkansas.  It was good to see some people again.  I had a great time with the "busty gals" in the hot tub (keep it clean people).  Which reminded me I need to take some time and hang out with the girls once and a while.  Since there aren't a lot of "girls" I hang out with here in NC I will have to settle for my tri-yearly treck to Arkansas to get my fix. 
We are now planning our vacation this summer.  Mike and I are planning on going to the races in May...then no telling what....But I'll keep ya posted.  
So anyway.  I am in spring cleaning gear...I want to get a bunch of projects finished this Mike's honey-do list keeps growing all the time.  We need to finish the guest room, andrew's room, Isabel's room, and well ok...let's just face it...EVERY room in the house needs some work.  You would think buying a brand new house (newly built) would mean there isn't much to do...WRONG.  There are always improvements to be made....I mean after all we want to get a hefty return when we sell the house in a few that means upgrading things as we go along.
Which brings me to another upgrade....when Mike enlists for his next (and last) 4 years he is supposed to get a bonus (10k)....put your hands is pretty much spent...ok mostly spent.  But at least we will be able to pay off most if not all of our credit debt and get gutters....I know I am excited about gutters...but it will keep my flowers from washing away.  Yes I know how boring that sounds!
Tomorrow I'll post some pics of the trip....until then.....
February 9, 2007

His last 4 years

YAY!!!  Mike has started the process of his new enlistment....this will be his last 4 years.....then retirement (yes...I married an "older" man)  It looks like unless something changes he will be with the same unit he is with now which means he'll remain un-deployable.   Once the papers are signed the countdown will keep your eyes out!

Life's little achievements

It's been a while, so I thought I would do a little horn tooting.....
Toot #1 some of you know she has been sleeping in the swing since she came home from the hospital (the second time)...but to me sleeping through the night in the swing is MUCH better than not sleeping through the night in the crib.  The last few nights she has had a problem going to sleep in the swing...once asleep she slept through the night, but she just wouldn't fall last night we tried the swing...and she wouldn't I got her up...nursed her and then laid her in her crib...she cried for less than a minute and was sound asleep and slept till her brother woke her up in the am by kicking at the door.
Which leads me to toot #2....she is still nursing.  Andrew quit at 3 months and truthfully was terrible at it.  She is great...the problem is we still can't get her to take a botttle....
Toot #3 she does however use a sippy cup.  I guess this is good b/c I will never have to wean her from the bottle, but now I will never get to use the cute pink bottles I bought her before she was born :(
Toot #4 Andrew is learning sign language...he knows more, please, milk, drink, fish, thank-you, and ceiling fan (don't ask)
Toot #5 he will sit on the potty w/o a diaper....which is a BIG improvement to the screaming that occured when we even MENTIONED the potty) He also NEEDS a book to sit on the idea where this came I have time to sit and read while pottying.
Toot #6 Andrew has moved to the 2 year old room...and now must drink out of a "big boy" cup and is doing quite well.
So I am all tooted out. 
BUT for those of you in Ark....I will be in town at my parents in a week...
I almost forgot toot #7....Ia can sit up by herself and it trying to
February 6, 2007

ask and I'll let you

ok so I am over weight... WHAT?!?!?!? you mean I am just now figuring this out?  I have been "over weight" most of my life.  It sucks and I hate it.  I have fought this problem my whole life.  Its like a war that never ends... It irks me to no end.  I mean when I look at myself I don't feel this heavy, but it quickly becomes apparent when I see myself in a mirror.  I hate it.  The sad thing is that I have been overweight for so long that even if I lost most of the weight my skin will be hanging everywhere and I still will look horrible.  I will never be a size 2, I will never wear a bikini, or have a six pack for abs.   So what is the point of me blogging about this.  Maybe in my own way I am taking the first admit I have a problem.  It is a higly addictive behavior and it is hard to break.  I am an emotional eater.  I get upset or down...then I eat....then I see myself and  get more depressed...and eat more.   So here's my plan.  I am going to start Weight Watchers and start going to the gym.  My long term goal isn't about weight, but about feeling better...Mike and I are coming into Arkansas in the summer.  I want to take him to Petite Jean and go hiking.  so my goal is to be able to go hiking with my husband and not have to call a helicopter in to lift me from the bottom of the mountain.  That actually sounds kinda funny when it is actually typed out...
January 25, 2007

Extremes here's the deal.  The last few days I have been so busy with things, yet my brain has been starved for some type of stimulation.  Adult stimulation...and no I don't mean porn ( I consider porn to be more of a physical stimulation than a mental one).  What do I mean then?  Some days it feels like the only person I talk to that's an adult is my self...yes I have found myself talking to myself quite often.  I am starting to feel as though I am losing more brain cells by staying home than I did the entire 7 years of college.  I read the news, and I watch the news, but I don't feel intellectually stimulated.  I think it is quite sad.  Today I rejoiced in the fact I got to play mr potato head.  Bad things happen when an intellectually starved individual plays withpotato head.  I made a really disturbing creature which then I proceeded to show Isabel...and she started screaming. 
I don't know what kind of a funk I am in, but it sucks.  A friend of mine blogged the other day about being "successful in the world"  I remember once I was in the job scene...getting fancy coffee on my way to the daily grind...yet I felt something was missing.  Now I have a husband and kids whom I dearly love...yet there is still something missing.   To my friend may think you aren't living to your full potential by being a working woman...but I have now been both extremes...and I can say the this end doesn't feel quite right either.
January 22, 2007

Another blog another day

Its been a while since I've caught the blogging bug.  So I thought I'd pick a stange subject and write about it.  Funny thing is I couldn't think of anything to blog about.  Sad.  So here I am blogging about not being able to blog. Then suddenly the little light bulb goes off in my brain...vacuum.
Vacuum you may ask...why blog about the vacuum...well because it is currently running ( and no for you smart asses I am not going to go "catch" it) Why is it running?  Well my dearest Iz will not sleep in her crib without it running.  So she currently sleeps in the swing (still) but b/c I was folding clothes in the bedroom I needed to lay her in her crib, so the vacuum is on.  In case you are wondering...that 2 inch by 6 inch piece of carpet has no dirt left.  So I am patiently waiting for a CD...what of a Vacuum sound.  It should be here next week.  Interestingly enough they not only had vacuum, but they also had hair dryer, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, fan, radio static, among others.  I almost got the 4 pack which has the vacuum/hair dryer/washing machine/dryer for some variety, but I decided to just get one for now.  I wonder why they don't have a lawn mover sound....that is kinda along the same sound...oh well...
January 17, 2007

Sugar High

Ok...Today Andrew turned 2.  That right 2 years have flown by faster than I can imagine.  Here is a picture of him when he was newborn :

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And from 1 year ago :

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And one from this morning:

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January 12, 2007

Don't forget

I didn't are some from New Years eve of the kiddos....

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Christmas in Januray

Ok so I have never gotten around to posting pictures from christmas here they are.....

Isabel in her bumbo in front of the tree....

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Isabel in the Santa Hat
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Andrew christmas morning
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Both kids in the mound of paper
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Isabel and Andrew in their new wagon from Santa
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Finally a pic of us together...I look like crap...but oh well doesn't everyone first thing in the morning?
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