December 30, 2006
Saddam hanging party here
Mike and I were on our way from picking up new dishes (another story I'll post later) and we passed by a bar in Jacksonville with a sign posted with the words (Saddam hanging party here...come inside!). To even type these words makes my blood boil. I am sure this post will offend some, and though I am usually one to offer an apology before I approach my soapbox, this time I will not apologize for my opinion. My first reaction was complete disgust...Saddam was a horrible man, yet he was HUMAN. To see or hear about someone celebrating the death of a human is disgusting and really shows how far some in our society have fallen. My second reaction was actually a tear...yeah, I know a tear for a can that be. My tear wasn't necessarly for him but for his family. Despite the way her ruled his country he was still a husband, a father, a brother and a son. To someone he was everything, and now he is gone. So even though I had much more to say I am stopping...instead of venting I am heading to bed early and will say a prayer for his soul, and for the pain his family is now feeling to cease.
December 29, 2006
The crazy things people do for milk
So I am still breastfeeding...I am actually celebrating this b/c by this time with Andrew I had switched to formula. But not this fact since I am not only feeding her but getting the opportunity to pump in the morning before she awakes (ok it's not really an opportunity...more like necessity...she is sleeping through the night and if I don't pump before she gets up I literally drown her) I now have a stock pile of breast last count around 500 oz of milk in my freezer...I have filled up the bottom shelf and am now moving onto the next shelf.
BUT...2 weeks ago Iz got RSV...and she decided to nurse a little less...I mean who can blame her, she was sick, but b/c she was nursing less I was making less etc now I needed to ramp up my milk I bought this magic herb Fenugreek. I had heard great things about it increasing your supply and once re-established you don't have to keep taking it. Which leads me to my next problem...
I SMELL LIKE PANCAKES...What in the hell is she smoking right? Apparently one of side-effects of the herb is you can start to smell like maple syrup since the herb is used to make artifical maple syrup....oh the other side the smell comes from your sweat...and I am now producing more of I now smell like pancakes.
December 19, 2006
Word of the day.....Virus
ok...Andrew was never sick....besides his eczema...I mean he had 1 ear infection and that was it besides a common cold hear and there. Isabel has viral meningitis at 5 weeks and we spent 2 nights in the hospital...then came today...thats right my bab has another virus....what viruses this time? RSV Yeah a nasty little virus that is a real pain in the butt. It all started Sunday...she started with a runny nose...then all day monday it was a little runny nose and coughing and a slight I made her an appt for this morning. Then last night she started running a higher never got above 103 but it wouldn't go down with tylenol either...she did wake this morning with a lower temp, but the runny nose was back. when we saw the ped. he said it just looks like a cold b/c her chest is clear. So I told him that she was couging up HUGE amounts of snotty material he decided to test for RSV anyway. 1 hour later after walking ALL OVER the hospital we went to check the results...and he came in with face masks...which he said did us no good b/c we had been walking all over the hospital for an hour so we could have spread it to anyone anyway, but he told me and Isabel to go to the car and for DH (dear husband for non-babyzoners) to go the pharmacy to pick up an inhailer and we have to come back on thursday....oh then he added we all are probably going to be sick in the next day or two...which was funny b/c I woke up this morning feeling ill...Happy Christmas you stinking virus...
December 12, 2006
Crazy people are taking over the world
So as many of you may or may not know, Andrew has been battling eczema since he was 4 months old. Some days are good, some are not so good. While I know eczema isn't a "disease" it is a skin condition and we have been battling it for a long time. So last week I had to take Iz in to see the Dr b/c she had a rash (turns out she can't wear clothes that are dry cleaned....which means she won't get to wear her new silk christmas dress again)...anyway the dr she saw told me that Andrew and Iz's Dr has left the ped clinic, so they don't have a dr anymore. so I asked Dr Little if he was their new dr (he's the one who treated Iz when she was hospitalized at 5 weeks...oh and he's kinda HOT) anyway...he didn't know, but if I wanted I could request I did, and he is now their dr, but back to my story...I mentioned that Andrew's eczema wasn't getting much better so he said for me to make an appt so I can get a referral to take him to a dermatologist. So I did, but Dr Little was booked up till mid dec (apparently eczema isn't a condition that warrants quick care...the appt lady asked me if he was running a fever...then he could get seen so anyway I decided to let him see this nurse practioner lady...I have seen her before...she's alright...just is a little grumpy at the time we got to the appt his eczema was better (which it is ALWAYS better in the AM...and gets worse by night) anyway she scolded me for bringing him in when he looked fine to her...I showed her some of his red patches and she told me they weren't big enough to treat in her opinion. I told her I had brought him to his regular dr many times when he was covered in it and yes he did look better, but the dr told me if it wsn't GONE to bring him back in, she then tell me to stop treating him all-together...let it get really bad...then bring him back in and she would see what she could do. I raised my voice and told her I wanted a referral NOW...that I was not going to let him get all red and irritated b/c he scratches it till it bleeds, and then wait another 2 weeks to get another appt. I told her she was crazy and she could give me a referral or bring in a dr that would. I also told her his PCM told me to make the appt to get the referral so that was why I was there to begin with. She then got rude with me and basically told me I was waisting her time and she filled out the paper work for the referral and left without saying another word. Grr the nerve of that old lady. that I have vented...Andrew's eczema acted up the next I took pictures of it to show the Dermatologist in case it is gone again at the dr appt.
Santa and the potato
Saturday we took the kids to see Santa at the USO... We had breakfast first

Then the kids got to see Santa, no matter how we turned Isabel she wouldn't look at the camera...not even when..Andrew got on Santa's lap with her

Andew opened his gift...What did he get?<a href="" target="_blank">
He has spent hours now playing with Mr Potato Head

most of the time..he uses the tongue as a mohawk

Yeah I know...all this talk about Andrew and the Potato and what bout Isabel?.. She got a crinkle ball...I know no where as cool as a Potato, but we'll make it up to her

Then the kids got to see Santa, no matter how we turned Isabel she wouldn't look at the camera...not even when..Andrew got on Santa's lap with her
Andew opened his gift...What did he get?<a href="" target="_blank">
He has spent hours now playing with Mr Potato Head
most of the time..he uses the tongue as a mohawk
Yeah I know...all this talk about Andrew and the Potato and what bout Isabel?.. She got a crinkle ball...I know no where as cool as a Potato, but we'll make it up to her
December 1, 2006
November 22, 2006
A big 8 inches
Ok so its raining again today. From the weatherman I have heard it has rained around 5 inches so far. Mr Weatherman has now said it is supposed to rain another 3 to 5 inches. That would put us at 8-10 inches in two days. Oh did I mention the wind? yeah we got wind too....out on the coast by Manteo the wind gusts are around 67 mph...Its like a freakin winter hurricane...actually I believe its called a Noreaster or something to that effect. So, basically I am getting cabin fever b/c I really can't take Iz out in the rain and cold and wind...I've even stopped getting dressed...I just change from one set of Pj's to another. Oh and for some reason I have now became obsessed with the Kelly Ripa/Clay Aiken feud...probably b/c I watched that I was watching I thought ....hmmmm he's a bit over the top...then when he covered her face...OMG if that'd have been me he'd have been knocked off his high horse for sure. Now Rosies in it...she thinks maybe Kelly's comment about I don't know where your hand has been was "homophobic" well let me tell you I would have said the same thing...and often do say the same thing to my husband...I mean come on gay or scratch areas and spit...its what they do...
November 20, 2006
Bah Humbug
Ok I am a big Christmas-a-holic...and from what I've heard about those 12 step programs is the first step is to admit you are an addict. (Hi my name is Missy and I am a Christmas Addict DH (Once again Dear Husband for those non-BZ'ers) got down all of our Christmas stuff from the attic on Saturday....why so early? Well I usually put out my decorations and tree thanksgiving afternoon/Friday after. BUT this year DH has duty on Thanksgiving, so we are having our dinner on I decided since I would be bored on thanksgiving day... (but really I guess it will be like any other day 'cept DH won't be home till morning)...that I'd get most of the decorating done on Thursday.
This brings me to problem number 1....the tree...We have the same tree I had in college at Russellville (I am sure some of you may remember) anyway I got it on clearance at Walmart...and I think I paid 15 bucks for it...well it has a severe lean and was looking kinda last year we covered it in many you could barely see any green...hoping that would make it look a little better...all that really did was empty our pocket books and cause the tree to lean even further from the weight. So we got a new tree...a 7.5 foot one...(ok here's time for those of you who have met me to do the math...I am 5'3 and my arms are short) that's right ladies and is HUGE! I had this gut feeling that I might need DH to help me put up the tree because of the height Sunday we moved furniture and we did a "test run" and yep...I was right...I could not reach over the tree to put the top section of the tree DH did it and we left it up...(thank goodness we got a prelit one...or I'd need a ladder to do the lights!)
So now I have a huge 7.5 foot tree in my living room (yes we have vaulted ceilings in the living room or we wouldn't have gotten one so big) and its not even Thanksgiving yet. Now what? Do I attempt to decorate it? How am I going to get the ornaments on the tops area? how am I going to get the garland around it? So my plan of getting it done on Thursday has been thwarted and we will be decorating it this weekend, but I will be able to get most of the yard done (which will be funny b/c everyone else will be inside eating turkey and I'll be doing the lawn up with Christmas lights) and most of the other decorations in the house done.
Well this is the end of the beginning...that sounds backwards...anyway I am sure I will have lots more to blog about during this christmas season....till then....remember to thaw your turkey out before you cook it and don't eat any pumpkin pie (send it to me
November 16, 2006
Ok DH (Dear Husband for those non-baby-zoners) and I were on our way to Walmart...we pulled up to a red light behind a s-10 with a woman riding in the back leaning against the tailgate....I mentioned to DH that wasn't that against the law...and for heaven sake IF you are going to break this law you should NEVER lean back on the tail CAN come open and then she would fall out and thus we would probably run her over....I remarked that she should move up...and then DH said "she can't she has 3 kids in there with her...WTH??? That's right she had 3 kids under 10 in the back of the truck in the city at a major intersection at night in the cold...
November 15, 2006
Ugh not again
Ok so my little angel has now turned into the devil...I SWEAR...his latest phase (I am calling it this b/c I really hope that is all it is) is kissing his sister ...then smacking her upside the head. Just wait day she will seek revenge on all he does to her now!
Oh yeah I know ....not alot of meaty posts from me lately...but I can't find anything to write about. I a loss for words. I think it might be I am EXTREMELY TIRED (no I am not pregnant again).
So...if your out my way bring me a starbucks vanilla latte...or stop by Mc Donalds...
Which brings me to something interesting....when in I took a road trip to FL in 1999 we stopped at Mc Donalds in Alabama...I ordered a double meat/double cheese sausage biscuit....they looked at me like I was CRAZY...they had never heard of one...and had no idea how to ring it in the cash register...Well in DeQueen they have been running them as a special, so I ASSUMED ALL McD's had forward to present day....our McD's serves Sweet Iced the supersize cup for 1.00 or by the gallon for 2 something. I assumed in Ark is was the same since it too is a southern state...but no...not there...and our McD's have started serving speciality coffee...latte's, moca's, iced latte's, capachino (ok I know it is spelled wrong...kiss my ass) but on the way out to Ark NONE of the McD's outside of RD (Raleigh-Durham) sold these...and they thought I was crazy once again for asking....also at Wendy's we have a carolina classic...a burger with chili and cole slaw...strange huh? I need more choices to make!
November 7, 2006
Thank God for Old Navy little budda belly boy has suddenly grown into a slender toddler...this poses a problem in jeans. The size 12-18 months fit him in the waist, yet they are WAY too short for him. The 24month and most 2T are too big in the waist and a little long...but some wonderful soul at old navy decided to put an adjustible waist in the "t" clothes...therfore my son can wear jeans again!
November 6, 2006
Boo to you
Ok with halloween almost a week ago I finally am getting around to posting some pics of my little boos: Andrew got a lot of candy, but Isabel fell asleep at the second house and slept the whole rest of the time!P>
October 26, 2006
My son the hunter...
OK...he really didn't go hunting, but he did pose with the deer my father did Baylee!

October 4, 2006
every wonder why?
Ok so I've been thinking...yeah I know...not exactly a smart thing to do for someone like me who hasn't had much to challenge my brain in a while. Anyway back to me thinking...ah---yes I had just dropped Andrew off at daycare (I was supposed to back cookies for Mike's unit's Bake sale tomorrow...that's right ladies and gents...a marine corp bake sale...sound funny...and actually I remember a bumper sticker that I read that said something about "I live for the day the military has to have bake sales and schools have enough money" oh btw the bake sale if for the Ball -- which we are not attending this year.)
--back to me thinking and I drove past McD's I thought about getting a coffee but the line was way out in the Food Lion parking lot. ..and why was the line out to the parkinglot? b/c of parents with cars full of kids going through the drive through to get their kids breakfast. Not only is this a problem in the morning, but as soon as school lets out the line is back with parents getting a "happy meal" snack for their kids. Isn't there something wrong with this picture? I know McD's offer "healthy side items" now, but how many actually get them for their kids? What's even more ironic is the same parents who got schools to change their menu and ban soft drinks are probably the ones sitting in line at McD's.
Instead of going after the corporate man for making their kids fat how about parents stepping up? Same with it fair for kids to be forces to breath their parents second hand smoke? I remember hearing at one time Arkansas was trying to pass a law that forbid parents from smoking with their kids in the car. I think its great....
oooh what else...oh the last month there has been a rise in the increase of child abuse in Onslow County. In the newspaper it said on one wekend a 18 day old was killed from his father beating him, a 6 week old was killed and a 9 month old is in serious condidtion after his father slammed his head into the side of the crib then picked him up by the feet and slammed his head on the floor. I was reading this as Andrew was playing in the floor in front of me and I was nursing Isabel. What in the world could these babies do to deserve being abused? It made me sick to think someone is capable of doing that...especially to their own son/daughter.
September 26, 2006
The whole story
Ok i said a while back I'd post Isabel's birth here it goes...
We were to call the night before to find out what time we were to be in pre-op. When we called they told us 7:30...which was a relief since the originally said around 6am. So we get up that morning and get to the hospital at...6:45am...and since they told us not to be early we sat outside in the car until 7:15 and then walked REALLY SLOOOW to pre-op. Once there we were told that they were running behind so they put us in a room to 11:15 they came and got us...I walked down to the staging area and got my iv....I was then wheeled into the OR. Then the anesthesiologist came in to give me a spinal....after 3 tries they decided to give me an epidural and see if it worked...if it didn't they were going to send me home and try again the next day....well it worked. A few minutes later they brought Mike in and started cutting...a few minutes later she was born screaming her little head off. Isabel went to the nursery while I was closed up and Mike went with her and to tell my parents the good news. While they were closing up I had a panic attack so I got a nice sedative :)
In recovery it took forever to get blood pressure was running low (80/40) so they had to wait for it to go back up. Once it did I got to go to my room....and they brought Isabel to me.
September 11, 2006
you can buy anything... 2am on TV. How do I know this? Last night I was up at 2am breastfeeding Isabel and since I need something to do or else I will fall asleep I turned on the tv (ok actually I turn it on to drone out Mike's snoring). What did I find? Anything worthy to watch? Nope...over half od the 180 channels we get were paid programming. Ionic Breeze (While I do value clean air I can't see paying 300 for 1, Ginzu knives (I always needed a knife that will slice a pipe and a tomato....I do that every weekend!), Oreck (it can pick up a bowling ball...but if you have dirt the size of a bowling ball on your floors I think it may be past the point of cleaning, bags to compress your clothes to store them (they even work in the bathtub...but why would you want to store your winter clothes there is beyond me) anyway digress...but next time you feel the need to go shopping set your alarm clock for 2am and you can get just about anything from your bed!
On a side note I had to watch hours of football yesterday (I like football...but I prefer to watch college...unless that HOTTIE Peyton Manning is on....Yeah I know he was a rival Tennesseian...but he still is so dang hot :) ...anyway I have no idea what channel it was but they had this sound effect going on with their grafics that sounds somewhat like a light got pretty annoying. Mike didn't notice it until I mentioned it drives him crazy too.. (yes I kow I misspelled several words, but there sint' spell check and I don't ave time to think it through...I have 2 screaming kids right
September 1, 2006
Yeah yeah yeah...Ernesto came last night...dropped butt-load of rain and some wind. I slept through it, thankfully Isabel did too. Our neighbor didn't secure her trampoline and so it is now hanging over our fence...what a dumb-ass. What part of 60mph wind does she not understand. Anywho...I am sleepy and its time for a nappy-poo.
August 30, 2006
1 + 1 feels more like 20
Ok...its been a while since I have posted. Ya have to cut me a little slack...I did give birth and I have a 19 month old at home. I will post my birth story later, but here is an update on us...
Andrew has a cold...thus he is whiny, clingy, and overall not in a good mood....Isabel does not have a cold, but I think she senses Andrew getting attention so she now wants to be held all day...which makes things interesting b/c its kinda hard to hold a squirming 19 month old and breastfeed a baby. Try it sometime...its not a pleasure cruise.
So now ol' Ernesto is heading this way...they aren't sure where it'll hit or how strong it'll be. Nice Just what I need in life...uncertainty! Either way...we are staying here to ride this one out...but...
I am coming to Wickes in October. As of right now it looks like I'll get there the 15th and leave the 29th.
I guess that's about it. I am in a to come later!
July 26, 2006
Still cooking the bun
Yep I am still pregnant. I had a Dr Appt yesterday...had to to the whole Group B Strep thingy. For those of you who have done it you know what it involves, and for those who don't I am not going to share at this time...its much better to find out once you are pregnant. Anyway...Isabel is still head down, but hasn't dropped which means I still can walk, but I can only eat like a bird b/c she is literally up in my stomach. My C-section date has not changed so unless something changes she coming 2 weeks from tomorrow. The Dr said she figures she is close to 8lbs right now, and she still has 2 weeks I again am looking forward to giving birth to a toddler (Andrew was over 10lbs)...good thing I decided to do a repeat c-section. She also gave me some Ambien so I can sleep (So Mike you can SNORE AWAY!) and I did sleep like a baby last night. I would like to go to sleep right now, but Mike is insisting we wait up to see what the powerball numbers are since he is sure we have picked (or at least the quick-pick machine has given us) the right number so we will be instantly rich. Oh well....guess I am off to take a relaxing bath...until next time!
July 25, 2006
The truth about poo
Ok, I am wide awake and it's 12:32 am...why am I awake? Because my husband snores. Is this a new thing? Well yes and no...for the first year we were married I swear he didn't snore...then all of a sudden he finally I talked him into trying those breathe right strips around mid Nov...and he stopped...but now its back..even when he wears them he still snores. So now I am awake...Yay for me. Of course if you were to ask him he would deny snoring...he has denied it all along....So the ritual goes if he falls asleep first (which 99 times out of 100 he does b/c I swear he's asleep BEFORE his head hits the pillow) THen I have about a 20 minute window that IF I can fall asleep then we are all clear b/c I am a pretty heavy sleeper and I don't wake up b/c of the snoring....but there are times (which are becoming more and more frequent in my late stage of pregnancy) that I am not asleep by this 20 minute time and he starts I first try to poke him and make him shift around to stop the snoring....if this does not work (which it rarely does, so I am thinking of skipping this line of defense from now on) I then wake him up....most of the time he just snorts and rolls into a non snoring position, but there are times (like tonight) that he'll say "I'M NOT SNORING...I'M NOT EVEN ASLEEP YET! Which to me is very funny (unless it is 12:32 am and I am extremely tired myself) b/c the next day he won't remember a thing from the night before. Wow I didn't think I could write so much about snoring....anyway...on to the poo...
I have come to notice that there are a few people out there in the world who think that their poo does not stink. What they need to realize is that while they have become immune to their poo stank we other citizens have not. Therefore maybe its time for you to stop and examine your poo ...check your shoes...sometimes you are so full of poo it is running down your leg and into your shoes and you don't even know it. Oh yeah...if you are wondering who in the world I am talking about then it is probably YOU :)
July 23, 2006
Just about time
That's right...its just about time for this baby to pop out! Up until the last week I have felt great, so it only make sense that the last 3 weeks should be filled with misery...right? I think if it wasn't so hot it wouldn't be so bad, but who knows.
Mike has duty I am stuck here alone...if I wasn't so tired I'd take advantage of the time and finish the laundry, but our neighbors are changing their landscaping and were getting rid of their crepe myrtles so I piped up and said if you are going to just get rid of them we'd love to have them (It'll save us from having to buy some later) so today of all dug them up and brought them over....of course since mike is gone I get to plant them...and now I am exhausted. I don't think pregnant women are made to do lawn work.
I'll update more later...I have to get Andrew up from nap...
July 10, 2006
Enter tomorrow
Ok its a dumb subject, but I couldn't think of anything creative so there is a stupid add above my blog screen that is from the Publishers Clearing House and so I decided to go with it.
For those of you dying for an update....I have 31 days till the c-section...while I'd like for her to get outta there, we really need her to hold off until my parents get out here to stay with Andrew.
Mike and I planted a garden this year....we have been picking tomatoes like crazy, and have learned to can them and now have 30 cans so far...YAY...and I am now going to hide them somewhere safe so my sister can never find them
Speaking of my sister...she's coming out to stay till Sept 6th to help out around the house after the baby gets here....she'd better be getting lots of rest and sleep now b/c ANdrew is a handful and she will be dog tired before she leaves.
I finished dinner for tonight at 9am..that's right I actually planned ahead...and thank God for crock one should be in this world without one!
For father's day I got Mike a box of "retro candy" since he is sooo much older than I am it was a set of wax lips....well one thing led to another and see what happens...
June 17, 2006
A date is finally set
Ok, so I had my routine OB appt this Friday to set the date for the C-section. I had been told to expect about 38-39 week mark, but the dr decided since my blood pressure is normal (107/50) and my blood sugar was well within normal range, and I still am -11lbs that she can't find a reason to schedule the date before the 39th week which is the 7th of August, but for some reason they aren't scheduling c-sections on M/W/F of that week so I had to choose Tues or thurs, but my OB isn't delivering on Tues, so I got stuck with Thursday the 10th of August. only 4 days before my due date. Oh well I guess that's a good thing considering apparently the only way I would get to move up the date is is things started going wrong.
But....that puts us in another bind of sorts....Mike has a class starting August 25th and doesn't think he is going to be able to take 2 weeks aftre the baby is born like expected so we have asked Robin to come out and stay a few extra weeks (until sept) to help out with Andrew and the baby.
And so now we have 54 days till she gets here and WAY too much stuff to do before then.
June 3, 2006
Tag you're it
The first player of this game starts with the "6 weird things/habits about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read yours.
1. I like to take a bath...then a shower...I don't know why...maybe b/c its my only escape :P
2. Leaving the lables on rubbermaid containers really bugs me...I have to pull them off, and when I find one that still has it I feel the need to pull it off.
3. I love to do lawn work. It dries my husband crazy...why? he's a city boy ans would rather be inside.
4. I like to do Logic/math problems...sometime I can figure them out...most of the time I end up ripping up the page...but to me its fun.
5. I will eat cheese on just about anything...I love cheese!
6. I have 3 cats and I really don't like cats. I mean I love my cats, but at the same time I don't really like them.
Robin, Manda,Glen, Kim, Steve, Amanda
May 29, 2006
Idiots, Hemroids, The System, VaJayJay's and stuff.....
Ok, so my husband is an instructor in the Marines. He has a class right now on deck (marine terms here). This isn't his first class, and usually we only get calls at home of the "I think my ex girlfriend is pregnant"or "There is a death in the family" nature. But this class has been calling all the time...and sometimes you just have to laugh...mainly because they call at a decent hour... I mean when the phone rings we used to joke about which one was calling for I ask which one needs help finding his cell phone (it fell out of his pocket)...or to get his keys out of a locked chest (don't ask)...or who's been caught speeding (let's hope it's not the one who has 3 tickets since January) but tonight we got the call of all thought they night need to see a dr (ER doctor at that) because he "injured" himself....upon further investigation the injury was caused from straining while pooping....that's right a hemroid. Now for those of you who have given birth and got them I feel for you (I have managed almost 2 pregnancies and have not had them yet) (I credit this to not having to "push" my 10lb watermelon out a hole the size of a pea) (ok I know it REALLY isn't the size of a pea...or I would not have gotten but if you show up to the ER with a hemroid I think you may be laughed at.
Now speaking of birth...someone asked me the other day why I am not considering "giving birth" the "normal way" I didn't say this at the time, but I enjoy the knowledge that my VaJayJay has not been compromised...who cares if I will have a scar across my abdomen....when other mothers can complain about how long they were in birth to lay guilt to their children....MY scars are in a decent enough area to show them to make them feel even MORE guilty :P
Oh yeah I mentioned the I have a friend "A" and her husband got in trouble...the kind of trouble that puts his job in jeapordy...and she isn't mad at him...she's mad b/c he is getting punished...WTF? Uhm isn't your husband old enough to know right from wrong...and isn't if he chooses to do wrong isn't he supposed to know there is consequences? So he got caught.....blame your husband...stop blaming the
May 26, 2006
Do you ever wonder? what age do you get old....I know "old" is relative...but only 4 years ago I was able to stay up every night partying, drinking, then get up and go to school...maybe do it all over again the next night. Now I swear if I am not in bed by 11pm I am worthless the next day! 
I had my 28 week OB appt yesterday. My BP was 112/60...Mike asked if I was even I am now to the point I switch from seeing midwives to having my appointments done by OB's since I am having a repeat c-section. I am also measurine at 31 weeks....that's almost 3 weeks ahead of schedule...guess another big baby is on the way, so there is no need in buying newborn diapers...just skip to size 1. 
That being said I only have about 10 weeks left...and we have barely bought anything for her....I still have not started sewing, and her room is filled with stuff that will be moving into the garage when it is finished...of course we still have to paint and tile the garage...but that shouldn't take long...right?...hahahaha
May 8, 2006
Construction...gotta love it
Well, we finally accepted a bid and they start construction on our remodeling this week....are we ready...Hell rained a good portion of the weekend, so we didn't get the shed finished and have moved nothing from the garage! Hopefully Mike will be able to take a few days off to finish things....
We are heading to Wilmington this weekend...Its our Anniversary. On Saturday we are having a 3-D Ultrasound done to see baby Isabel...Only 98 days left till out due date....which means only 88 days till she gets here!
Other than that things are really boring out here...I mean REALLY boring...Guess that's part of living way out
March 28, 2006
23 weeks.....3 days
Well I had my latest OB appt...everything is going normal...the heartrate was 150...and I finally got to set an appt for the fetal scan/gender ultrasound....AND ITS ON APRIL 20th! I will be 23 weeks and 3 days...grrrr I am not sure I can wait that long to find out what we are having! On another note, our garage remodeling should be finished in May so I will have plenty of time to move things from the guest room to the garage...from Andrew's room to the former guest room, decorate the new babies room. I think I am going to convince Mike to take me to Wilmington in a few weeks to get the tile for the garage and maybe he'll want to make an appt to get a 3-d ultrasound done...
March 2, 2006
NH sucks
Well I had my ob appt today. I have officially lost 21 lbs this pregnancy. The dr didn't seem to worried about it, she just said I may want to snack a bit more throughout the day. We got to heat the heartbeat, it was 160...I can't remember if its a sign for a boy or a girl...
My early GD test came back normal and I got blood taken for my AFP test....
Oh and the hospital has a new policy on fetal scanning ultra sounds.....When I had Andrew they did it at 20-22 they wait and do it at 22-24 weeks...ugh thats almost 6 WEEKS AWAY!!!!! I am not sure if I can wait that long....I am trying to talk DH into letting me get it done earlier at a 3d imaging place....but I know it won't be as good of a picture as if we wait till closer to term...
March 1, 2006
---It was very beautiful here today. We spent most of the afternoon outside in the front yard...Hopefully we can get the contractor over here later this week to get our estimate done...I'd liek to get our work done before hurricane season and before the baby gets here---
---I never realized how boring my day-to-day life was until I decided to write on this stupid thing! I guess the only thing exciting is that tomorrow I have another OB appt...whoo hoo...oh and that my lovely sister may be coming out for two months this summer---
February 28, 2006
---I had to go into the naval hospital today to take an early Gestational Diabetes test since Andrew was over 10lbs at birth. I may never drink Sunkist again! ---
---I have another Dr appt on Thursday, hopefully we'll get to set the date for the big Ultrasound to see what the sex is.---
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