
August 30, 2006

1 + 1 feels more like 20

Ok...its been a while since I have posted.  Ya have to cut me a little slack...I did give birth and I have a 19 month old at home.   I will post my birth story later, but here is an update on us...
Andrew has a cold...thus he is whiny, clingy, and overall not in a good mood....Isabel does not have a cold, but I think she senses Andrew getting attention so she now wants to be held all day...which makes things interesting b/c its kinda hard to hold a squirming 19 month old and breastfeed a baby.  Try it sometime...its not a pleasure cruise. 
So now ol' Ernesto is heading this way...they aren't sure where it'll hit or how strong it'll be.  Nice  Just what I need in life...uncertainty!   Either way...we are staying here to ride this one out...but...
I am coming to Wickes in October.  As of right now it looks like I'll get there the 15th and leave the 29th. 
I guess that's about it. I am in a to come later!