
December 29, 2009

Changes ....lots of changes

I have decided to devote a little more time to the blog than I have in the past few months....Evelyn is finally getting to a point where she will chill in the swing or exersaucer for a while so I can get things done - so one thing I will be "getting done" more often is the blog.

My plans thus far (after the new year) is to have themes for each day of the week...

Right now I have a few things in mind -

Miles Monday - Since I plan on starting up the 'ole treadmill I plan to devote Mondays to log how many (or few) miles I walk each week

(semi) Wordless Wednesday - A friend of mine is doing a picture a day - I have decided to steal this from her and do something similar....but instead of posting them every day I'll post them once a week...on Wednesday's

Savings Sunday's - I am starting my savings totals over and will keep track of how much I have saved via coupons and sales and log them in on Sunday's.

I'm also going to make a goal of knitting or crocheting a scarf or hat a month - so by december I will have 6 sets I can give as gifts....not too sure how this one will go since I am famous for UFO's around here (Un Finished Objects)

SO anyway these are my plans - maybe putting them out there for the world to see will help me succeed a bit better....we shall see...

January Menu

1st -  hamburger helper
2nd - spaghetti
3rd -  BBQ venison roast baked beans
4th -  BBQ nachos
5th -  grilled chicken, mac and cheese,  & salad
6th -  pork chops/ rice
7th -  parm baked tillapia & carrots
8th -   pizza
9th -   out for dinner
10th - crockpot chicken & mac and cheese
11th - chicken tacos
12th - roast beef sandwiches
13th - baked chicken & spinach
14th - baked catfish & wild rice  
15th - hamburgers & french fries
16th - pork roast w/ mashed potatoes
17th - steak & baked potato
18th - out for Andrew's birthday
19th - chicken caccitori with rice
20th - hamburger helper
21st - grilled salmon broccoli and cheese
22nd - pizza
23rd - shrimp & mashed potatoed
24th - beef stew
25th - leftovers
26th - chicken, pasta & salad
27th - baked pork chops, mac and cheese, peas
28th - grilled tillapia & baked beans
29th - hamburgers
30th - meatball stroganoff & peas
31st - crockpot chicken
December 11, 2009

December menu

It has been forever since I have had an opportunity to blog - so I'll start again with something fast and easy :)

11th - baked fish, mac & cheese, salad
12th - hamburgers
13th - chili
14th - pizza (little ceasers hot and ready)
15th - grilled chicken - creamed spinach
16th - turkey parm meatballs w/ pasta
17th - pork chops & mashed potatoes
18th - shrimp, baked potato, salad
19th - turkey, dressing
20th - leftovers
21st - turkey pot pie
22nd - turkey casserole
23rd - breakfast
24th - bacon wrapped scallops
25th - ham, green bean casserole
26th - leftovers
27th - stroganoff
28th - grilled chicken
29th - duty
30th - pizza
31st - steak