
June 18, 2007

Seashells by the seashore

Sunday was Father's Day.   We rented a seashell by the but our day didn't start out so grand.  I had planned on packing up our stuff the night before, but uhm I got busy doing something else  and since the kids have been waking up at around 7 I thought well I'll do it in the morning...well for some strange reason they decided to sleep past 8am.  This threw a wrench in our we get the kids dressed and haphazardly pack stuff for the beach.  We get into town and quickly realize why we usually get up early for "special" day breakfasts.  Cracker Barrel had people lined up outside, so we drove to IHOP.  The wait was about 20 minutes.  So we stuck around.  We finally got a table with a rude and incompetent waitress.  So at breakfast DH and I are talking about stuff we should have put in the car and we realized we forgot some things at the house.  Instead of making the trek back we just went to KMART and bought a blanket and some chairs. 
So we get to the beach and suprisingly it isn't very full at all.
Andrew wanted to stay in the water the whole time...Isabel wanted nothing to do with the waves...she instead preferred to dine on fine North Carolina Sand. 
I have some pics posted here
Once we were tired of being beachy we went to the exchange to get some ice cream ( my only way of stopping Andrew from crying when we told him we had to leave)  We ended up buying a new couch and rug.  They will be delivered soon.  Lucky for us the exchange on base has a deal with the CDC that for every 50 you spend at the exchange you get a coupon for 1 free night of childcare on a Sat at the CDC.  They let us use the purchase of the couch/loveseat and so we now have 13 free nights of childcare (we have to use 2 coupons since we have 2
June 13, 2007


Moles...I don't think while living in Arkansas we ever had a problem with moles...armadillos yes..moles no.  Well since out lovely Buddy has become an inside dog I have noticed that we have these "tunnels" in our back yard and lots of "mole hills"  So I called our exterminator...turns out whle they kill any and all insects/mice/rats they don't delve into the mole business but they do have a "mole guy" they can recommed.  So they give me the number...and honestly I was busy doing a million other things and I lost the number.  SO I get on the wildlife page for NC and find who they recommend.  Turns out their "mole guy" is the same mole guy my exterminator recommended.  So I give the mole guy a call.   He tells me he charges money to remove them...100 in fact.  Before I can say anything he say7s takes a lot of work to remove them...honestly I don't really care how much it costs as long as I don't have to set the traps ( I like all my fingers and toes) and I don't have to get rid of them after they meet their maker.  He assures me I won't have to do a I think 100 is a fair trade (plus he doesn't take the money till after the moles are gone...I really like this guy!) 
Well mole guy comes out today and verifies that I do indeed have moles in the yard...he sets about 6 or so traps and tells me it will take 3 rains before he can say they are truly gone...something abiout worms and grubas and water...I wasn't listening b/c I was trying to hold a squirming 10 month old and corral Andrew who kept asking him  "where's Michael?" 
So now we wait...will there be moles on Friday when he comes to check the traps or will they have escaped?  

Now onto this weekend....I rented a seashell at the really I am serious.  At the beach on base they have these things called seashells...they are little cabin-like things that have a picnic table, dressing room, and shower right on the beach!  So Sunday (fathers day) we are getting up and eating B-fast at IHOP  or crackerbarrel and then heading out for a full day on the beach.  This is the first time in almost 2 years I have been to the beach...I know I know I am 30 minutes away from the beach and I NEVER GO....If sunday works out we may go more often ;)