
September 26, 2006

The whole story

Ok i said a while back I'd post Isabel's birth here it goes...
We were to call the night before to find out what time we were to be in pre-op.  When we called they told us 7:30...which was a relief since the originally said around 6am.  So we get up that morning and get to the hospital at...6:45am...and since they told us not to be early we sat outside in the car until 7:15 and then walked REALLY SLOOOW to pre-op.  Once there we were told that they were running behind so they put us in a room to 11:15 they came and got us...I walked down to the staging area and got my iv....I was then wheeled into the OR.  Then the anesthesiologist came in to give me a spinal....after 3 tries they decided to give me an epidural and see if it worked...if it didn't they were going to send me home and try again the next day....well it worked.  A few minutes later they brought Mike in and started cutting...a few minutes later she was born screaming her little head off.  Isabel went to the nursery while I was closed up and Mike went with her and to tell my parents the good news.  While they were closing up I had a panic attack so I got a nice sedative :) 
In recovery it took forever to get blood pressure was running low (80/40) so they had to wait for it to go back up.  Once it did I got to go to my room....and they brought Isabel to me.
September 11, 2006

you can buy anything... 2am on TV.  How do I know this?  Last night I was up at 2am breastfeeding Isabel and since I need something to do or else I will fall asleep I turned on the tv (ok actually I turn it on to drone out Mike's snoring). What did I find?  Anything worthy to watch?  Nope...over half od the 180 channels we get were paid programming.  Ionic Breeze (While I do value clean air I can't see paying 300 for 1, Ginzu knives (I always needed a knife that will slice a pipe and a tomato....I do that every weekend!), Oreck (it can pick up a bowling ball...but if you have dirt the size of a bowling ball on your floors I think it may be past the point of cleaning, bags to compress your clothes to store them (they even work in the bathtub...but why would you want to store your winter clothes there is beyond me) anyway  digress...but next time you feel the need to go shopping set your alarm clock for 2am and you can get just about anything from your bed!
On a side note I had to watch hours of football yesterday (I like football...but I prefer to watch college...unless that HOTTIE Peyton Manning is on....Yeah I know he was a rival Tennesseian...but he still is so dang hot :)  ...anyway I have no idea what channel it was but they had this sound effect going on with their grafics that sounds somewhat like a light got pretty annoying.  Mike didn't notice it until I mentioned it drives him crazy too.. (yes I kow I misspelled several words, but there sint' spell check and I don't ave time to think it through...I have 2 screaming kids right
September 1, 2006


Yeah yeah yeah...Ernesto came last night...dropped butt-load of rain and some wind.  I slept through it, thankfully Isabel did too.  Our neighbor didn't secure her trampoline and so it is now hanging over our fence...what a dumb-ass.  What part of 60mph wind does she not understand.  Anywho...I am sleepy and its time for a nappy-poo.