
February 22, 2010

Day 5 and 6

Day 5

I walked 1.068 miles, 187 calories...

I was not happy about walking today.  It was beautiful outside, and I knew after walking I was going to have to clean the living room and I wouldn't get to experience the beautiful weather.

Day 6

I walked 1.130 miles, 194 calories...

I didn't "want" to walk today either.  I have tons to do today...Mike is at the range this week which means he has to leave here by 3:15am in order to get there in time...and today he didn't get home 'till 6pm, but I did it...

6.998 miles
1192 calories
February 20, 2010

Lent day 3 & 4

Yep I made it through 4 days - only 36 days left.

Day 3

Once again Eve did not fall asleep on the way home. So today I put her back in the exersaucer and popped in a Baby Einstein video ... she hated it. REALLY hated it. At 18 minutes I had to stop my walk and move her from the exersaucer to the bouncer (another thing she hates) and gave her a chew toy (ok so it's really a teething necklace, Iz calls it a chew toy)

That kept her content for....oh....30 seconds.

But I made it through...

Today - 1.188 miles, 201 calories, 30 minutes

Day 4

Today was supposed to be a relaxing day of exercising...meaning once Eve went to sleep, Mike was going to take the other 2 in the jogging stroller for his lent goal (running 3 miles a day).

Problem? - The tires had gone since the last time we used it (oh about 6 months ago)

So we drug out the air tank and filled them up...and they were on their way. I got on the treadmill and started...3 minutes into it I realized I needed music, so I paused my workout and turned the channel to some techno channel on sirus (I need to seriously find my I-pod charger)

Everything was going great until - with 4 minutes left - In run the kids, and husband - I tell them I have a little over 3 minutes left can they please go to the bedroom so I can finish....

It's not that I mind them watching, but it's hard to work out with people asking you come on...I only have 3 minutes left.

Mike gets the tv on for them then leaves....Iz comes out...I'm starving (which BTW is her asking for a snack, somehow they thing starving=snack, hungry=real meal)

I keep waiting for Mike to walk back mike...I pause the treadmill...look Mike...

Eve wakes up, I jump back on and finish the last 2 minutes with one child asking me to be fed and another screaming in the swing....

10 minutes later hubby returns...thankfully I had a chance to cool off (mentally) and I ask him where he went...he said it was too much work pushing 75lbs in a stroller...I then tell get to exercise 5 days a week by kids crying, no one asking you questions...can I PLEASE have Saturday and Sunday to myself...if they are too heavy then just walk with them...either way I need a break...

Hopefully he'll listen...

Today 1.215 miles, 204 calories, 30 minutes

4.8 miles
811 calories
2 hours 1 minute
February 18, 2010

Lent - Day 2

Today was hard...

It took me forever to find my good walking shoes.

Eve didn't fall asleep on the way from taking Andrew to school.

So I fed Eve and put her in her exersaucer, turned on Diego for Iz and started walking...I started a little slower today...mainly because my special (aka expensive) walking shoes the shoe man told me I needed to correct my overpronating gait need to be warmed up. They sure do their job, but when you used to walking "wrong" it takes a bit to get used to walking "right".

10 minutes into my walk I felt great...20 minutes I was still going strong...22 minutes Eve began to cry...seems she had enough "exercising" today...Somehow I did finish despite almost killing myself while trying to turn and convince Iz to help mommy and give Eve a new toy...

2 days down - 38 days to go

Today - 1.177 miles, 200 calories, 30 minutes 25 seconds


2.397 miles
406 calories
1 hour 1 minute total time
February 17, 2010

What will you give up?

Today starts the first day of Lent. Lent, in Christian tradition, is the period of the year leading up to Easter. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer — through prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial.

It is described as being forty days long, though different denominations calculate the forty days differently. The forty days represent the time that, according to the Bible, Jesus spent in the desert before the beginning of his public ministry, where he endured temptation by Satan.

Some Protestant churches do not observe Lent, but as a Methodist we do observe it.

The idea is to "give up" something that will be hard to do without. Caffeine is something I have given up many times. This year however I decided to do something a little bit different - I am giving up my excuses for not exercising....specifically my excuses for not using that eyesore that sits in the corner of my living room...the treadmill (aka coat rack)

To help I enlisted hubby...I asked him to have it cleaned off so I wouldn't have an excuse today - much to my amazement it was clean when I got up this morning.

So after taking my kid to pre-school (late...but that's another blog in itself) - I got Iz breakfast and left Eve in her car-seat asleep and I lowered the treadmill to start my journey. My goal is to do 30 minutes every day for the next 40 days.

8 minutes into it my foot started hurting
10 minutes into it I was having trouble walking because my 3 year old kept asking me if she could step on the back
12 minutes into it I decided I amend my goal into just doing a mile.

What came next may sound silly, but my treadmill flashes info on the of the screens it shows the here I am thinking I should give up on my original goal and up pops the distance - .666

That there made me realize that this goal is attainable, it's just satan's voice telling me I can't when really - I CAN!

So I did...I did 30 minutes, 35 seconds, 1.22 miles, 206 calories...on day 1