
June 17, 2006

A date is finally set

Ok, so I had my routine OB appt this Friday to set the date for the C-section.  I had been told to expect about 38-39 week mark, but the dr decided since my blood pressure is normal (107/50) and my blood sugar was well within normal range, and I still am -11lbs that she can't find a reason to schedule the date before the 39th week which is the 7th of August, but for some reason they aren't scheduling c-sections on M/W/F of that week so I had to choose Tues or thurs, but my OB isn't delivering on Tues, so I got stuck with Thursday the 10th of August.  only 4 days before my due date.  Oh well I guess that's a good thing considering apparently the only way I would get to move up the date is is things started going wrong. 
But....that puts us in another bind of sorts....Mike has a class starting August 25th and doesn't think he is going to be able to take 2 weeks aftre the baby is born like expected so we have asked Robin to come out and stay a few extra weeks (until sept) to help out with Andrew and the baby.
And so now we have 54 days till she gets here and WAY too much stuff to do before then.
June 3, 2006


Tag you're it
The first player of this game starts with the "6 weird things/habits about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read yours.
1.  I like to take a bath...then a shower...I don't know why...maybe b/c its my only escape :P
2.  Leaving the lables on rubbermaid containers really bugs me...I have to pull them off, and when I find one that still has it I feel the need to pull it off.
3.  I love to do lawn work.  It dries my husband crazy...why?  he's a city boy ans would rather be inside.
4.  I like to do Logic/math problems...sometime I can figure them out...most of the time I end up ripping up the page...but to me its fun.
5.  I will eat cheese on just about anything...I love cheese!
6.  I have 3 cats and I really don't like cats.  I mean I love my cats, but at the same time I don't really like them.
Robin, Manda,Glen, Kim, Steve, Amanda