
December 12, 2006

Crazy people are taking over the world

So as many of you may or may not know, Andrew has been battling eczema since he was 4 months old.  Some days are good, some are not so good.  While I know eczema isn't a "disease" it is a skin condition and we have been battling it for a long time.  So last week I had to take Iz in to see the Dr b/c she had a rash (turns out she can't wear clothes that are dry cleaned....which means she won't get to wear her new silk christmas dress again)...anyway the dr she saw told me that Andrew and Iz's Dr has left the ped clinic, so they don't have a dr anymore.  so I asked Dr Little if he was their new dr (he's the one who treated Iz when she was hospitalized at 5 weeks...oh and he's kinda HOT) anyway...he didn't know, but if I wanted I could request I did, and he is now their dr, but back to my story...I mentioned that Andrew's eczema wasn't getting much better so he said for me to make an appt so I can get a referral to take him to a dermatologist.  So I did, but Dr Little was booked up till mid dec (apparently eczema isn't a condition that warrants quick care...the appt lady asked me if he was running a fever...then he could get seen so anyway I decided to let him see this nurse practioner lady...I have seen her before...she's alright...just is a little grumpy at the time we got to the appt his eczema was better (which it is ALWAYS better in the AM...and gets worse by night) anyway she scolded me for bringing him in when he looked fine to her...I showed her some of his red patches and she told me they weren't big enough to treat in her opinion.  I told her I had brought him to his regular dr many times when he was covered in it and yes he did look better, but the dr told me if it wsn't GONE to bring him back in, she then tell me to stop treating him all-together...let it get really bad...then bring him back in and she would see what she could do.  I raised my voice and told her I wanted a referral NOW...that I was not going to let him get all red and irritated b/c he scratches it till it bleeds, and then wait another 2 weeks to get another appt.  I told her she was crazy and she could give me a referral or bring in a dr that would.  I also told her his PCM told me to make the appt to get the referral so that was why I was there to begin with.  She then got rude with me and basically told me I was waisting her time and she filled out the paper work for the referral and left without saying another word.  Grr the nerve of that old lady. that I have vented...Andrew's eczema acted up the next I took pictures of it to show the Dermatologist in case it is gone again at the dr appt.


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