
August 19, 2008

Somedays it sucks

Some days are worse than others.  You know what I'm talking about...not the kind of day where something major bad is going wrong, but days when a funk is around.  Well today is my funk day.  I am still in my pj's and functioning, but I really just want to listen to sad music and sit in a wallow of pity.  For those of you who do not know we have been having problems getting pregnant.  Its been well over a year of trying, and while a year isn't very long in the medical world, when you add to the year a miscarriage and the fact I apparently have stopped ovulating on my own, it is a very long time.  A long time of ups and downs, popping pills, hormones, needles, tests, it all sucks.  I know the reason I am so funky today is because I have finished my round of progesterone.  For those of you who have failed health class progesterone is what the body produces after ovulating.  So b/c the test revealed I didn't ovulate last month I have to now trick my body into thinking it actually did ovulate.  So add another pill to my stash for 5 days. and then wait for the progesterone to drop and bring on my period.  The I get to start what will be round 4 of clomid. Clomid brings on all sorts of mood swings too, so its a bumpy ride around here.  It suck it suck its sucks it sucks it suck it sucks (maybe I think if I keep saying it sucks it will turn out differently, who knows?) 
So anyway new dr this month.  one I have to drive over an hour to see.  anyway if I end up ovulating this month but I don't get pregnant then we are going to be doing a dye test.  Apparently they force a solution into my uterus and do x-rays to see if my tubs are blocked or if my previous c-sections/d&c did any damage that is preventing me from becoming pregnant. 
It sucks It sucks..
and its getting old. really fast. 
So anyway today my kids are being subjected to one of those days my sister and I used to do....loud music on the stereo and scrubbing every surface in sight.  I think after I am done cleaning I might break the sewing machine and sew.   Or maybe paint...I haven't painted in a while.  And I think homemade fajita's so I can test out our tortilla press might be good for dinner
One last sucks


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