
September 7, 2009

Adventures in dying

I bought 24 prefold diapers from little lions the other day - but who likes plain 'ole white diapers?

So I got some dylon dye to spruce them up

The first batch I mixed up in a rubbermaid container - a very pretty green - and then decided to move to a hot pink. I mixed the dye - put a diaper in the second container poured the dye over the diaper and hot pink dye started running out the corner of the container down the cabinet onto the floor. Apparently there was a small crack in the corner of the second container. So Thinking quick I grabbed one of the next diapers I was going to dye pink and threw it to Mike and had him start wiping up the dye while I held the broken container over the bowl he handed me. Once the mess was cleaned up I mixed this batch up in the bowl and then poured them into a gallon ziplock to set. Still though I only had a few pink fingers.

The third color I did was turquoise - this went off without a hitch except for I somehow managed to get my right hand covered in dye. THe last batch was a really pretty purple - and now my left hand is purple.

The diapers are going to sit for a few more hours then I will rinse them out and post photos...


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