
January 8, 2007

The whore my husband once dated

Ok I gotcha with that Mike and I were looking aound on myspace one night and he found this girl he dated before me.   White Trash would be a step up for this I now have this tracking thing on my page and I have noticed she has been checking out my page weekly...I am not even sure she knows who I am, but I find it odd.  Anyway I have the right to call her a whore b/c apparently the whole time she was with my husband she told him she wasn't married but actually was...and not oly was she cheating on my husband but was cheating on him with other men and would actually have Mike babysit her kids so she could go out with "friends".   So am sure since my profile is public and my blog is to friends only this title alone will drive her that's right the pot stirrer in me is raising her head...


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