
March 3, 2011

another one bites the dust - low carb day 3

So once again - I survived.  In fact I have managed to keep my calories below 1450 and carbs below 35 for the last 3 days.

Today I was down another pound.  I'd like to lose 9 more before the 14th and I am hoping once I get some new walking shoes this will be easier.  On Sunday when I wore the Beast (yeah that is their actual name) my feet KILLED ME.  they are over 2 years old so I know it's time to get some new ones.

We plan to go get shoes Friday.  I also have to get some bloodwork done AND turn in my travel claims.  THANK GOD Tricare pays for my gas to Bragg and back!  At almost 3.50 per gallon I couldn't afford it otherwise! 


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